Kang Yeseo (Kep1er)

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| shortcake

"that looks... cute?" yeseo muttered, eyes bright, trailing at the dark cookies splattered at the kitchen counter, y/n chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of her head as she shrugged.

"really? it looked burnt and ruined." y/n stated, her voice low as she looked at the cookies she made, now that she recalls it- what she saw in the internet when she searched for inspirations was a very cute dog like design for cookies.

and now that she sees her results, all she can see was a burnt, crusty and hard cookie, almost inedible- no it is inedible in all its glory.

yeseo took one piece, stared at it, her eyes roaming around the cookie, contemplating whether to take a bite or not take the risk of food poisoning, it smelled rather ashy and burnt.

yeseo placed it down back on the parchment paper and tray, grimacing.

y/n looked at the other girl, laughing as she realized that her work wasn't, what was the right word for it? satisfying yes! satisfying to look at and for sure, not satisfying to taste.

yeseo coughed, giggling as she shook her head and averted her gaze to the other girl. "why'd you decide to bake out of nowhere after all? i never saw you as the uhm, the... chef type of person." yeseo handpicked her words making sure it sounded appropriate.

y/n bobbed her head. "i don't know too, i thought i could try? look, i just wanted to try it out." said y/n as she held the cooking book on her hands.

yeseo nodded. "of course i understand." yeseo from the other side walked and trudged besides the other girl, placing her hands on the kitchen counter. "let's make something together, yes?" she inquired.

y/n stared at yeseo, her breath pausing for a short moment before smiling and nodding her head. "yeah, sure i guess." yeseo giggled and took out her phone.

"do you think this is cute?" yeseo held her phone in front of y/n's eyesight, it was a cake designed with green frosting and cute little decorations, like a cute frog.

and yeseo swiped again to show a macaroons designed like avocados, it's cute really but y/n's cooking capacity might not up to that challenge.

yeseo felt the genuine hesitance in y/n's face and giggled, shortly after showing y/n the ingredients and what it should look like, yeseo watched as y/n thinks.

"it's very cute and adorable." y/n answered, her index finger on her chin, yeseo beamed.

"what do you think? should we make it?" yeseo asked, tilting her head to take a better look at y/n who pouted. "i don't think i'm good enough for that recipe." y/n muttered, looking at her burnt beloved cookies.

yeseo bursts out laughing. "don't worry y/n, i'm here to help you obviously." said by yeseo who placed her phone on the kitchen counter and embraced y/n from her side, giggling aimlessly without a stop.

her cheeks flushed.

"so, let's cook?" yeseo asked, looking at y/n's eyes with the glint of hope, y/n stared back, blinking and then she nodded. "it doesn't hurt to try again, i guess." y/n shrugged, then placing a hand on yeseo's hair to pat her.

yeseo lets go and bobbed her head. "alright! it's decided then, let's get to cooking!" yeseo cheered as she prepared the materials and ingredients, with y/n having to throw away her burnt cookies with a pout.

yeseo placed the cooking book somewhere else in the kitchen, then replacing it with her phone as she reads through the crystal clear instructions that apparently, y/n could catch up on.

"huh, so the recipe isn't that hard." yeseo muttered, pulling up the sleeves of her sweater. y/n tilts her head to yeseo, lips in a thin line. "really?" she asked, and for some reason, yeseo couldn't read the tone, she she laughed.

"uh huh, base on what i am reading." she answered.

y/n nodded, her feet covered in a thick cotton socks walked over the tiled floor towards yeseo, standing like a pillar. "ok, so 210 grams of all-purpose flour," yeseo muttered, hands reaching for the ingredient and placing it on the bowl, y/n watching intently.

"uh, y/n? can you give me 2 cups of sugar?" yeseo inquired, y/n nodded, immediately following what she was tasked to, then placing the sugar on the same bowl. "thanks, now let me put the cocoa powder and baking powder." after placing them in one bowl, yeseo mixed it until they combined, y/n on the other hand, started working on the other bowl.

and for almost 1 hour and more, the two of them busied themselves before readying the icing and the filling of the cake and macaroons.

"oops, be careful y/n the icing is sticking on your sleeves and hand." yeseo stated, heaving a small laugh, y/n nodded, huffing as she mixed the icing and she unintentionally, wiped her cheeks, causing the icing on her hand to stick on her cheeks.

"y/n!" yeseo laughed, placing down the bowl of macaroon fillings as she laughed at y/n. "a-ah! the icing!" y/n grimaced at the sticky feeling on her cheeks, yeseo trudges to y/n, a napkin on her hand as she wiped y/n's cheeks. "see? i told you already."

y/n laughs. "ah, yeah i didn't notice my cheeks felt itchy."

yeseo stares at y/n's face as y/n's crunches her nose, y/n looks at yeseo, their eye contact lasted for a good one minute before y/n wipes an icing at the tip of yeseo's nose, causing her to grimace.

"y/n!" yeseo yelled, y/n bursted out of laughter, holding her stomach as she laughed. "watch out!" y/n beamed, smiling widely at yeseo, who smiled.

after a while of putting icing and finishing the macaroons, their final product was finally produced! in y/n's eyes it was a masterpiece, though her icing wasn't as perfect as she thought, it at least looked a lot more edible than before.

yeseo was also proud of herself, though she was covered with icing and flour, because of y/n's naughty antics, it was a very fun experience, she enjoyed and wanted to experience it again.

"wow, it looks a lot more edible now doesn't it?" y/n stated, in awe with their work.

it is really cute and adorable, the two small frogs in the middle of the cake and cute avocado macaroons. yeseo had decided that something made from the heart results to something like, that.

"and it looks adorable." yeseo added, smiling to herself. y/n watches yeseo's expression, yeseo had a very cute smile, she found.

"wanna try it?" y/n inquired, cutting two pieces of the cake and placing them on two different plates, then putting two macaroons each plate.

"that, that looks good!" y/n cheered, clapping.

"y/n say 'ahh'." yeseo took a piece of the cake, scooping it with spoon and offering it to y/n, who stared at it before opening her mouth.

y/n's eyes sparkled bright as soon as she tasted the cake, her mind screaming only one thing, repeatedly going through how tasty the cake was.

"good?" yeseo asked, seeing the reaction of the other girl, oddly amused.

"good, very good! this can't be healthy." y/n stated, placing a hand on her lips. yeseo giggles. "good, it's nice to see that reaction of yours."

they ate, talked, laughed, and y/n found it rather one of the most happiest times in her life, she genuinely enjoyed yeseo's company and her calming presence beside her, her voice, smile, laugh and even her small breathing, to y/n it was very memorable to her.

being with yeseo was amazing, y/n has decided.

actual fluff before i write another angst >:)))

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