Fu Yaning (GP999)

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| ms. scary girl


"what do you plan on doing later?" yaning trudges in the same pace as y/n, trying to keep up with the other girl who was walking away with all her might, trying to avoid yaning as much as she can. it seems like asking politely doesn't work, yaning thinks— what's up with this girl?

"hey, i'm just asking politely?" yaning pouted, leaning in towards the other girl, but the girl didn't seem fazed at all, y/n looked away, ears flushed from the unwanted attention she's getting from the taller girl.

fu yaning, was intimidating, the way she postures herself, the way she carries the confidence in her, the way she speaks, and the way she looks at people, their first meeting had that impression tattooed on y/n's mind for a long time— to the point a pouting yaning doesn't even make any changes to the girl.

y/n just felt intimidated, yaning was taller, looking up in her and seeing her in that black leather jacket, pants, boots was enough to send shivers on y/n's spine.

was she scared?


y/n doesn't know, but being near yaning and the idea of talking to her made her so anxious and nervous.

hell, it even got her heart beating so fast, y/n was so sure what she was feeling is not normal.

yet— yaning grabs y/n's wrist in a soft way, trying not to add another stack of bad impression towards her coming from the shorter girl.

"as i was asking, do you have plans today or after classes?" yaning asked, transparent with her desire over the shorter girl, wanting to be heard and for her wishes to be granted— to go on a date with y/n.

but y/n looked away, and stammered, completely out of answers.

no, y/n doesn't have any plans for today, later or tonight. college was shit, tons of stuffs to do, there was a lot on y/n's mind and she's been waiting to clear all of it out, and this— fu yaning is adding fuel on y/n's head, she can't focus properly and her face seems to be really really hot right now.

this is not okay.

what do i tell her?

what if she gets mad?

how can i lie?

what does she even want from me?

constant and non-stop questions bombarded itself from y/n's brain as she looked around her to find a reason to run away and just hide, hoping yaning would at least have mercy and leave her alone.

her presence, it— it's too much for me!

the strong aura yaning carries make y/n cower down, unable to say no or to say yes, basically she doesn't have the wits to answer, because for some reason her lips just couldn't form out any words.

y/n's eyes couldn't seem to get itself focused on yaning's sharp pare of eyes, it being too much for her.

and she doesn't understand why.

so, y/n gulped, faced yaning with trembling lips and fingers as she held on to her bag.

"a-ah yes, i do." yaning looked confused, looking around them, checking if people heard what y/n said.

"you what?" yaning asked, her facing showing confusion, taking y/n's word with two meanings.

either it was a yes, like in the weddings.

or a yes, as in she has plans for later.

y/n realized how her words came out and stammered, shaking her head as she choked on her own saliva , trying to take her words back."i meant, yes! i do have plans for l-later, unfortunately." yaning nodded, letting go fo wrist as she scratched the back of her head.

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