Ch. 10 Riders on the Storm

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WITH NOTHING ELSE TO DO, AYLA AND STILES LOOKED UP AT THE BOARD OF TOWN NAMES. Wind swept through the room, pushing two tickets to their feet. Ayla frowned down at the ticket, but something else caught her attention.

"Ayla?" She looked up, glancing around in confusion. She noticed that Stiles was doing the same.

"Did you hear that?" she asked.

"You heard her too?" Stiles wondered.

"Her? I heard Scott," she told him.

"No, I hear Lydia," he told her.

"And I hear Scott," she told him, as both began to follow the voices calling their names.

"Attention passengers, the train will be arriving in forty-five minutes," said a voice over the intercom. Neither of them paid attention to it, both too focused on getting to the sources of the voices calling their names. But everyone else began standing and walking over to wait by the tracks, making it impossible to get through.


"Scott?" she yelled.

"Lydia?" Stiles called as both tried to force their way through the crowd. A gun shot suddenly rang out, making everyone back away.

The two teenagers stared as they realized that it was Stiles' father who had fired into the air. "Give the kids some room!" he told everyone.

Ayla saw someone move next to the man, and went running. "Dad?" she asked.

Chase smiled as she ran over and threw her arms around him. It only took a moment for her to pull away as she realized what this meant. "Wait, no. No, you shouldn't be here," she told him.

"Hey, it's okay. I found you, didn't I?" he asked.

Ayla managed a smile, before turning back to Stiles. He was standing next to his own father now. "If we can hear them, does that mean they can fix this?" she asked him.

He shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe if we can get to them, they can get us out of here," he told her.

"Who?" Chase asked.

"Scott and Lydia," Ayla told him.

There was a flash of green light from the tunnel, and they heard the Ghost Riders running towards them. "You two need to get out of here. Don't worry about us," the Sheriff told the teenagers.

"You're kidding, right?" Stiles asked his father.

"Go. Get help," the man told him.

Ayla turned to her own father. "Go find your friends," he told her.

"What about you?" Stiles asked his dad.

"We'll find each other again," Stilinski assured him, walking towards the tunnel. Chase moved to follow.

"Dad," Ayla said.

"Ayla, we'll hold them back. Just go," he told her.

"Get the hell out of here," the Sheriff told the two of them.

Ayla sighed as both her and Stiles turned and ran into the tunnel. The portal suddenly opened up, but it was different this time. The usual green glow was more of a bluish white light. The two hesitated a moment. "This could end badly," she reminded.

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