Ch. 17 Lie Ability

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THE TWO HUMANS REMAINED IN THEIR HIDING SPOT, WHILE PARRISH WALKED DOWN THE HALL TOWARDS THE CHIMERAS. Clearly becoming nervous about their ability to win this fight, Theo walked into Lydia's cell. He pulled the banshee to her feet and dragged her into the hall. He pressed his claws into her neck as he glared at the hellhound. "Back off."

Both Stiles and Piper watched the scene in front of them. Parrish didn't seem to be backing off, and Theo had already proven he had no problem killing anyone in his way.

"I said back off," he repeated, digging his claws in enough to draw blood. Parrish finally stopped in front of the group. "Take him," Theo ordered the other chimeras.

"The guy's on fire," Corey pointed out.

"You'll heal. Do it," Theo told him.

Tracy glanced at the two nervous looking chimeras, before running at the hellhound. She stabbed her claws into his stomach, but it didn't seem to do anything other than annoy him. Parrish glared at the girl, and threw her back into the glass wall beside her.

Josh tore a pipe off the wall, grabbing the exposed electrical cords underneath. He absorbed the electricity, and grabbed Parrish's shoulder to electrocute him. But once again, the hellhound barely reacted. "Theo, this isn't working," Josh told him, just before Parrish threw him into a wall.

With Theo distracted, Valack grabbed the drill, and began drilling into the back of the chimera's leg. Theo yelled in pain, letting go of Lydia. The banshee fell forward onto the ground, landing on her hands and knees. Valack hit Theo in the face with the butt of the drill, knocking him onto the floor. "Sorry, Theo, but I'm not done with her yet," Valack told him, grabbing Lydia and pulling her towards the door.

Both Piper and Stiles stood up to block the man's path. Unfortunately, at the same time, Parrish threw Corey down the hall. Valack glanced back to see the chimera flying towards him in just enough time to move himself and Lydia out of the way. Piper and Stiles didn't, however. Corey hit both of them, and all three hit the floor.

Piper pushed the boy off of her, and sat up. She looked down the hall, seeing that Theo had already stood up. He threw the pipe that Josh had torn off the wall, and it impaled Parrish in the stomach. This time, the hellhound went down. Her eyes widened. As terrifying as Parrish was as a hellhound, he also seemed to be on their side. Theo wasn't.

She quickly scrambled to her feet, seeing that Stiles had already began chasing Lydia and Valack down the hall. The man dragged the banshee through a door, and it closed just before the other two teenagers could reach it.

Stiles slammed his hand against the door, over and over again. "Lydia! Lydia!" he screamed.


With the security guards now down, Scott took a key card and a walkie talkie off of one of them.

"Does anyone have eyes on the Closed Unit? I need a status report," he said into the walkie.

"It's a war zone down here," someone replied.

"Uh, 10-4. And what about the patients? Ayla Hale and Lydia Martin?" Scott asked.

"Who is this?" the man wondered.

Liam and Scott exchanged a look, neither sure how to respond. "It's... Unit Nine," Scott told him.

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