Ch. 9 Memory Found

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ONCE THEY HAD CAME UP WITH AN IDEA AS TO HOW THEY COULD REMEMBER THEIR FRIENDS, THEY HEADED TO THE TUNNELS. Piper and Lydia ran back towards the room Malia and Scott had been securing, and Lydia announced that they had locked the gate. Scott shut the heavy metal door behind them, locking the four friends inside together.

"Think it'll hold them off?" Malia wondered, jogging over.

"Probably not," Scott replied.

"Definitely not," Lydia corrected.

"You guys aren't hoping I'm gonna be the optimist, are you?" Malia asked them.

All of them frowned. "Well, I'll be the optimist for once. We just need to keep them out until we get our friends back," Piper spoke up.

"Oh, yeah, because being attacked afterwards will go so much better than being attacked during," Malia muttered. Piper sent her a look.

"So how cold does this thing get?" Scott wondered, walking past them. He went over to the machine Lydia planned to use on him and Malia.

"Cold enough for a hellhound. It's not the same as the ice bath you gave Isaac, but it can lower your core temperature past anything a human can survive," Lydia informed him as they all walked over to it.

"So what does freezing our asses off have to do with our memories?" Malia wondered.

"It'll slow your heart rate, and put you in a trance-like state," Lydia explained.

"Like hypnosis?" Scott asked.

"Hypnotic regression," Lydia corrected. "If we can figure out how to work it."

Malia pointed to a button. "That says 'START' so maybe it's not that complicated," she told them.

"These dials say differently," Piper told her, noticing the dials on the side.

"It is complicated," Scott agreed.

"So, optimistically, how much time do you think we need to do this?" Malia wondered.

"As much time as Liam, Chase, and Stilinski can buy us," Scott told her. He opened the machine up, and all of them started trying to figure out how it worked.


The four teenagers stood around the machine. Right now, the plan was to get it on and have Scott try to remember Ayla. Given that he seemed to have a stronger emotional connection, they were hoping he would have an easier time remembering.

The alpha had taken his T-shirt off, and now watched as Lydia clicked the start button on the machine. All of them turned to him as the machine buzzed to life. "Okay, it's doing something. You ready?" Malia asked him.

He reluctantly nodded and got inside. Lydia shut the door behind him. They could all still see each other through the glass window in the door.

"Remember, this will get cold enough to kill you," Lydia warned, fear in her voice. "So if something feels wrong or like it's not working..."

"It's going to work," Scott assured her.

"I hope you're not saying that because you think I know what I'm doing," Lydia told him.

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