Ch. 19 Maid of Gevaudan

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THE SHE-WOLF NEVER SAID WHO IT WAS, BEFORE BOTH HER AND SCOTT WENT AFTER THE BEAST. If she was being honest, she didn't want to say it. They had already watched every single one of the chimeras die. Well, every single one besides the one Ayla wouldn't mind seeing die. And the person connected to the Beast was most likely just going to end up collateral damage in this fight.

People ran through the halls as they tried to escape the monster, one girl falling in the middle of the chaos. She tried to push herself back, eventually getting to her feet as she stared at the doors.

Before the Beast could burst through them and rip her apart, Ayla ran through the hall. She grabbed the girl, pulling her into a classroom. Scott shut the door behind the three of them, pressing his back against the door as he waited for the Beast to run through.

The girl glanced between the two werewolves, who were already bloody from the times they had ran into the creature. Ayla held a finger up to her lips to tell the girl to be quiet, as both werewolves practically held their breath.

Something suddenly rammed into the door, and Scott held it closed. "Go. Go out the window!" he yelled. "Go!"

Ayla ran over to the window, pulling it open. "Go!" she told the girl, helping her move out of it. The Beast rammed against the door again, and again as the girl climbed out of the window.

Ayla turned back to Scott. The window above the door suddenly broke, glass shattering onto the alpha. The Beast's large hand reached through it, grabbing him, and yanking him through the door. "Scott!" Ayla yelled, running to help him.


After the two managed to get away again, they ran to the library. They burst through the doors and kept running until they reached one of the nearby tables. Both leaned on it as they caught their breath.

Ayla winced as she looked down at her leg. The pair of jeans she had worn now had three long slashes through them, exposing the bloody scratches left in her skin. She looked up as she heard the Beast growling in the halls.

Scott still had his head bent, staring down at the table as he caught his breath. "We can't keep doing this," Ayla muttered. The two of them had been leading the thing around the school, trying to keep it distracted till it turned back.

"It'll turn back eventually," Scott reminded.

"Before or after it actually rips one of our throats out?" Ayla asked him.

He sent her a look, reaching over to take her hand. "Preferably before," he told her.

Ayla rolled her eyes. Scott pulled her around the table with him, both staring at the door as they waited. And that was when they finally heard the breathing that was already in the room. Both of them turned to look towards the shelves of books. Sydney and several other students were hiding there. Ayla cursed under her breath as she looked around at all the people here.

"Go upstairs," Scott told them. Everyone quickly began rushing to the second floor of the library, while the two werewolves continued to wait. They watched everyone else move upstairs and find new hiding spots, while the Beast continued to roar in the halls.

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