Ch. 16 Amplification

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NOW THAT DEATON WAS BACK, SCOTT, STILES, AND PIPER WENT TO TALK TO HIM ABOUT EVERYTHING. He had apparently been held hostage by the Desert Wolf the past few weeks, and had been saved by Malia.

The vet walked over to the table that the three teenagers were standing at. "What I'm about to show you isn't supposed to exist," he told them, pulling a stack of photos from an envelope. He began laying out the terrifying photos as he spoke. "This is the only surviving evidence of Dr. Valack's time as Chief Medical Officer of Eichen House. To call it human experimentation would be charitable."

Scott picked up a photo of a girl laying on a bed, holding her head as she screamed. "A banshee. She died screaming," Deaton told him, laying out more photos of people with holes in various positions on their heads.

"So, he drilled holes into their heads? All of them?" Stiles asked.

"That was the experimentation part. He did it to werewolves, banshees, wendigos, any creature he could get his hands on. And Valack found that trepanation would initially heighten their powers, but to a level that couldn't be contained," Deaton explained.

"So he wants to make Lydia and Ayla more powerful," Scott guessed.

"Yeah, except they're both going to end up like them," Stiles reminded.

"Worse, actually. Lydia's abilities were already pretty exceptional to begin with. Putting a hole in her head will be like causing a leak in a nuclear reactor. She'll hear everything. Every death, every dying scream, all at once," Deaton told him.

"That's going to kill her," Scott said.

"Not only that. Her own dying scream could be so powerful that it might kill everyone around her as well," Deaton warned.

Piper had already wanted to throw up at the images, but her stomach churned at that thought. "What happens when you do this experiment on seers?" she wondered.

Scott looked at the vet expectantly as Deaton frowned. He had wanted to ask the same question. He just hadn't wanted the answer. "What would it do to Ayla?" he asked.

"Well, seers tend to be extremely rare. I didn't find any documentation of one being admitted to Eichen House till Ayla. But like Lydia, her abilities are already exceptional. From the last time I spoke to her, she seemed to be getting stronger all on her own. She doesn't just see the actual future anymore, she can see possibilities at times. Make changes to end up with the outcome she wants. See things outside of her pack when she wants. If a hole is drilled into her head, she will start seeing everything. Any future that is possible. The smallest changes made by the small decisions. Even if it somehow doesn't kill her... I doubt we'll have the Ayla we know anymore," he told them.

"What does that mean?" Piper wondered.

"It means that it'll drive her insane."


Lydia's words echoed in her head as Ayla began to come to. "My friends. They're all going to die."

The she-wolf's eyes shot open as she tried to sit up. She couldn't due to the restraints holding her to the mattress. She glanced at her wrists, which were tightly bound. She tried pulling at them, and felt something sharp enter her neck. She turned her head, finding Valack leaning over her. He had a needle in his hand, injecting her with something that burned her veins.

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