Ch. 1 Memory Lost

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THE THUNDER OUTSIDE SEEMED TO ECHO INSIDE AYLA'S HEAD. The sound of a horse neighing followed the thunder, as the image of it and its rider flashed through her mind. The she-wolf groaned, pressing her palm against her temple.

"You okay?"

Ayla opened her eyes to look up and see Chase standing in the doorway of her bedroom. She had moved back in- at least part time, she still spent a decent amount of time at Scott's- several weeks ago. She was currently sitting on her bed, with her grumpy pet cat.

"Uh, yeah. Little bit of a migraine," she admitted.

"Do I need to call Melissa?" he wondered, looking concerned.

Ayla sent him a look. The two parents still weren't exactly friends, but both loved her. Melissa had made it clear that she wanted to know if Ayla started getting headaches from her visions again. But until this past week, Ayla hadn't had any seer-related issues. "It's just the thunder and werewolf hearing, I think," she told her father, before sighing. "Any sign of him?"

Chase shook his head. "It's starting to look like you've been stood up. Which is entirely his mistake given that I haven't seen you dress up in a while," he told her.

Ayla rolled her eyes. She had her hair in curls, and was in a dress she had borrowed from Lydia. "Yeah, well, Hayden and Liam were shaming us the other day for the fact that we haven't had date night in forever," she admitted.

"So he doesn't show up?" Chase asked.

His daughter sent him a look. It was clear he was trying much more than he had been at the beginning of the year, but he still didn't seem to be Scott's biggest fan. "I'm sure it's Stiles' fault. They can never make it anywhere on time when they're together," she told him, reaching behind her to grab her phone. She frowned as she did so, the same flash of a man on horseback going through her mind.

"You sure you should be going out?" Chase wondered.

Ayla nodded, frowning. "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just gonna call Scott and see where he is," she told him. He watched her in concern for a moment, before walking away. Ayla put her phone to her ear as she called her boyfriend.

"I know I'm late," Scott said as soon as he picked up.

"Late is fifteen minutes. It's been an hour," she told him.

"It has not. It has only been... sixty-three minutes. Okay, I'm sorry," he told her.

"Scott, we literally got shamed by two sophomores over how tragic our relationship has become," Ayla reminded.

She heard laughing in the background and knew it had to be Stiles. "Seriously?" she heard him ask.

"At least we're in a relationship," Ayla reminded.

"Hey," Stiles said.

"Look, those sophomores do not have our lives. And we are not tragic. We... we go do stuff," Scott argued.

"When?" Ayla wondered.

"I mean... last week-"

"No dinner with either of our parents counts," Ayla snapped. She could hear Stiles laughing even more as Scott went quiet.

"Winter break!" the alpha suddenly exclaimed.

"You two haven't gone out since winter break?" Stiles asked.

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