Chapter 36

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"Yes but they were never able to catch the guy yet, but there are multiple warrants for his arrest" Emily explained and Mara came back into the room with a sticker and a stuffed monkey and climbed back into my lap

"Look!" She says happily and I smile and kiss her head. I'm going to keep her safe. Forever

"What do you have there Mara?" Dr.Wyatt asked

"Monkey" she smiles

"I see. What is your favorite thing to do at home?" She asked

"Play barbies.. and hide and seek. And watch movies" she says proudly

"What does your room look like at home?" She asked

"Big! I got a big bed. And toys. I like toys. Penny got lot of clothes for me" she explains and the doctor nods and turns to the desk to write something on her clip board

"So, I am mostly finished. I think we should do a recap and you can ask any questions you have?" She suggest and we nod

"My initial exam looks perfect. All besides what we talked about. She is under weight and shorter than kids her age but I am confident with the right eating habits she will gain some, she may be still be on the lower end of the scale but i think any weight gain is perfect. and she is likely to hit a growths spurt in the next few years.

I also noticed she is a little behind in speech but that is completely normal seeing as she didn't have the best hone life "' she explains to us as I held Mara close to me

"Now, is there any questions or concerns? About what I said or anything of your own" she asked and I sighed

"Um, we have trouble with a few things... she won't eat by herself. In order for us to get her to eat she has to be in my lap while I feed her. And even then she doesn't eat as much as she should" I explain

"She could have some anxiety with food. I think what you're doing is perfect, you are making sure she still eats. I would suggest slowly trying to get her to eat on her own, don't move to fast as it could worry her more. But like how you have been, let her sit in your lap but have her feed herself. It may take some time but as long as your consistent it should help" she tells me and I smile and nod

"Secondly is bath time. She absolutely refuses and throws a fit if I even do much as try to get her in the bath. The only way I have been able to give her a shower is if I'm with her. And I don't know if that's completely okay or not" I say nervously and she smiles

"It's completely normal for moms to bathe with their children, and if it makes Mara more comfortable and as long as you aren't uncomfortable then I see no problem with it.

But to address your concerns, a typical 4 year old would be okay with a bath or a shower with supervision, but again, with what you told me I see where maras hesitation is from. This can be hard to break habit from. She is comfortable with you, which is a . Good thing. Which should also be in advantage of getting her in the bath. Try to distract her. Play with some toys, make it a bubble bath, get some bath crayons and just try to make it fun all while assuring her that she is okay" she tells me and I nod

"She is also having nightmares and accidents at night, I'm pretty sure that is normal but I just wanted to check and I'm sorry for so many questions" I say

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