"M.. My son"

"Wow oh my god. Oh my gosh." she started to shout.

"Mumma slow we are in public" radhika's son said.

"Oh shut up, Rakshan" raadhika said.

I looked at Jeevika, atleast hoped that she will look into me. So that I can get the idea of who she is. But no, she didn't even turned to my side.

"Mumma, who is she?" rakshan asked.

"She is your aunty" she said. What aunty?

Holy fuck. How this woman is....

"Your Jeevika aunty rakshan. I have said right?" raadhika asked again.

"I may forget mom" rakshan said.

"You always forget just like your dad" that lady hitted her head. So she is having husband. Thank god!

"Leave us" Jeevika said slowly.

"Jeevika, am your sister." radhika said.

What Jeevika has sister?

Strange, am not aware of it. I sighed.

If she is sister to Jeevika, then she will be sister to rey....

"Not anymore, after betraying reyansh Anna" Jeevika voice stopped my thinking.

What she betrayed. I mean....argh.. Can anyone give me some balm for headache.

"Stop Jeevika" radhika slightly shout.

"What?" Jeevika asked her.

"Am your sister don't forget that"

"That I forget a way back." Jeevika slowly said cryingly. Why she is crying. Is they both lost or something in small age. Why am thinking this much weirdly. Can I intervent them and ask that what is the exact relationship?

"Jeevi" radhika slowly called.


"If you itself didn't accept me , how he will accept me?" radhika asked Jeevika.

"Don't even think about that" Jeevika said in sad tone.

"You betrayed him. You betrayed...." Jeevika said while slightly sobbing.

"A.. Am no... Sorry"

"Your sorry won't repair anything"

"I know okay"


"I ain't came here to leave you. I need his love okay. I know I betrayed him. But am I not allowed to get second chance?" raadhika asked.


What second chance?

What love? But she is married.

My heart started to beat fastly. No no I can't even able to fight with this beautiful girl.

"Reyansh anna won't accept you ever"jeevika slowly said by wiping her tears

" He will accept me. There will be some some love for me still there. I know it. " raadhika said.

My whole body shuddered. My eyes started to tear up. I mean what if her husband died, and now she came back to reyansh ar...

I ca..

" Afterall am his twin sister." radhika said. Which made me to stop my tears.


Atlast Got Married, But!... (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now