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NAME : awesamdude (warden sam)
STATUS : alive [ ❤️❤️❤️ ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
warden sam. of course he's guarding the prison, making sure dream doesn't escape. everything was boring and bland up until quackity brought a guest with him. the warden seems to be taking a fondness towards you.

NAME : dream
STATUS : alive [ ➴❤️ ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
not much to be said about this manipulative maniac. he's highly dangerous and in prison for a reason. the moment he was put in a situation where you were in danger and possibly on one life, he was quick to want to protect you. he never felt that towards anyone.

a/n A/N
i think it's kinda fishy that every time the replicant list updates, the dream team that's been chasing you is not on here. i think y'all already know the deal by now

[ previously spotted replicants ]

NAME : ???
STATUS : alive [ ❤️❤️❤️ ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : oceanic world
quite literally a captain of a pirate crew. has been sailing through a cube filled with water and witnessed a body (y/u/n) free falling from the top cube door. curiosity is at an all time high.

NAME : nihachu (villain niki)
STATUS : deceased [ ➴ all lives lost ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : snowchester
villain niki at your service. she's fought in the many wars involved within snowchester as a missionary (and in the process losing lives), staying loyal to jack's mission of developing nuclear technology. their mission was to destroy all conflict, starting with eliminating tommy through the first nuke test to stop chaos and take one step towards restoring peace in the cube. lo and behold, two mistakes occurred: she mistaken tommyinnit from the smp as the tommy in her cube, and the nukes were her own demise. nevertheless, she lived a life of action and fighting, having a very tough personality and a strong friendship with jack manifold.

NAME : jackmanifoldtv (villain jack)
STATUS : deceased [ ➴ all lives lost ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : snowchester
jack became the head scientist in snowchester, following in his father's footsteps and living through the many wars and conflicts that went down in order to form snowchester in the first place. unfortunately through warfare, niki died alongside him within the first test of the nukes he created. he nor niki will never know if it worked out or not.

NAME : nihachu (eggpire niki)
STATUS : deceased [ N/A ]
what a wonderful soul that got possessed by the egg. unfortunate to see really. she did risk her life for y/u/n as she didn't wanna see you fall victim within bad's sinister empire. however, the egg can bring people back. how severe would her punishment be?

NAME : badboyhalo (king bad of the eggpire)
STATUS : alive [ N/A ]
king bad is definitely infuriated. he didn't get the chance to live out his fantasies with you all because of his own chef that he hired! he's hoping to see you again soon and wonders where you are. even the egg wanted you as badly as him. the eggpire needs another royal entity to look up to after all. he doesn't want to be ruling alone.

NAME : skeppy (eggpire skeppy)
STATUS : alive [ N/A ]
skeppy, as y/u/n has witnessed, is another person who fell victim of the egg's influence way too easily. now he's stuck in the eggpire as a mindless citizen.

NAME : ghostbur
STATUS : ghost [ ➴ all lives lost ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
ah yes our friendly neighborhood ghostbur. you know.. he's just a friendly hearted man that doesn't remember a thing about his past and how truly psychotic he was.

NAME : ghostking
STATUS : ghost [ ➴ all lives lost ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
and here we have ghostbur's friend who died the same day as him woohoo. but anyways yeah so here's ghostking. died a drink man, came out of limbo as a newly cooked biscuit since he's on his redemption arc right now. more self aware than wilbur and feels regret for his past. has been traveling through cubes on his own time, thinking maybe it would be easier to find a way out of the game as ghost.

NAME : quackity (las nevadas/villain quackity)
STATUS : alive [ ➴❤️❤️ ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
whoa we have another antagonist to spice up the plot - great job author! very manipulative son of a bitch and will take advantage of the fact that he's a replicant of the smp quackity. you better watch your back. all he seeks is power and he will do anything for it.

NAME : wilbursoot (revivebur)
STATUS : alive [ N/A ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
y'all already know the drama that went down when dream killed wilbur in prison then revived him. well yep. that's what happened. what tommy didn't expect though was ghostbur to come out unscathed while revivebur escaped and wanders around without being seen. he wanted to use you.. for something. he might have a motive more powerful than quackity.

NAME : technoblade (syndicate techno)
STATUS : alive [ ❤️❤️❤️ ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
the blade has been the center of a lot of skirmishes in the dream smp yet he never dies. crazy right? organizer of the syndicate and is starting to endorse some of phil's views. instead of being a son of phil like you are familiar with in the smp, he's phil's good friend.

NAME : nihachu (syndicate niki)
STATUS : alive [ ❤️❤️❤️ ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
y'all broke the kind hearted niki nihachu that used to work in her bakery that fun fact got burned down in the dream smp! she decided to join forces with the syndicate in order to stop the commotion within a place that she used to call home. it's the least she can do. maybe you can help her feel better.

NAME : ph1LzA (syndicate phil)
STATUS : alive [ ❤️ ]
LOCATION / CUBE NAME : the dream smp
annnd here we are with the fatherly elytrian and the number one person techno trusts. of course he means a lot to certain people and always tries to maintain a balance of peace and order—the main reason why he joined the syndicate! this man will definitely take care of you don't worry about it.

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