♂ CHAPTER L: pointer finger

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∝╬══→ tw: gore/blood/allusions to torture and kidnapping.



THE CHAIR FLUNG BACK with a creak, making him let out a yelp before it was caught. he felt himself being swiftly reeled forward, being faced with his perpetrator once again. "you knew where y/n was the whole time didn't you?" sapnap asked threateningly. tubbo could hear a low growl emit from sapnap's chest, prompting him to slightly squirm in his restraints so he wouldn't feel sapnap's warm breath on his face any longer. "answer me!" sapnap demanded, yelling in the younger boy's face.

"YES! I KNEW WHERE THEY WERE!" tubbo cried out, feeling hot tears already grazing the surface of his cheeks. sapnap's eyebrows only furrowed more, his fist and jaw clenching. "jesus christ tubbo how could you keep them from me? did you want them to yourself?" he listened to tubbo sob for a moment, hearing the reaction reverberate against the chamber. "what were you planning to do with y/n?" sapnap pressed, his voice a tiny bit calmer. "r-r-research.." tubbo mumbled under his breath. "research?" sapnap quizzed, crouching down more so he could make eye contact with tubbo, watching the boy nod profusely. "for?" sapnap asked once more. "the-" tubbo sniffled briefly before composing himself, "the cubes." he let out. sapnap frowned, everything clicking in his head.

so first you work with ponk and now you're at the dream smp working for them. what the fuck was going through your mind? tubbo was held in silence, making him slowly turn his head to see sapnap's eyes twitching, making him look utterly deranged. tubbo gulped, his hands shaking from behind the chair. "sap?" he questioned, his face expressing awful concern at his kidnapper. sapnap finally had enough, feeling the knot of sanity in his stomach snap. he suddenly took out his axe and raised it above his head, swinging it down with all his strength. as a small amount of blood splattered on his face and tubbo screamed out in pain, sapnap stared down at the vulnerable boy with a greatly unstable grin, his crazed, wide eyes sparkling with disturbing intentions.


EVERYONE EAGERLY TOOK THEIR seats around the end frame table, watching you gather yourself and present a smile. you took note of phil and tubbo's absence, feeling a little upset but deciding to brush it off since you couldn't contain yourself anymore. "hey so uh- i wanted to talk to you guys about an idea for an experiment- or a plan if you wanna call it that." you watched niki, ranboo, and techno exchange glances at one another before they looked back at you. you took a deep breath in and then continued confidently, stepping forward by the table. "so i'm thinking about beating the enderdragon."

world5120 // y!dream smp x sci-fi auWhere stories live. Discover now