♃ CHAPTER XXXVIII: the ocean?

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∝╬══→ tw: mentions of throwing up and overstimulation, alcohol usage.

∝╬══→ y/h/c - your hair color



PUFFY BRIEFLY YAWNED, adjusting the tricorn hat on her head. while the smell of sea salt lingered at her nostrils, her ears stayed attentive to the many stomping footsteps and chatter of her crew members that filled the air, everyone working around different parts of the deck and sometimes taking breaks to talk to their buddies. puffy was currently exhausted, having gotten barely any sleep and had to help out her friend who suddenly vomited in the middle of the night. gosh her crew members reminded her of sloppy seven year olds.

"hey puff. you doing alright?" puffy turned to her fellow crew member, nodding her head as she watched him take his hat off and set it aside, a bottle of beer in his hand. he sighed and took a sip of the alcohol, gazing out towards the deck and then right past it at the ongoing waves with a never-ending horizon, no land perceptible in the distance. suddenly, dreariness washed over the two of them, no tension in their silence but rather tension in the fact that they didn't need to exchange words in order to feel the dread and tiredness of traveling nautically for months on end.

"do you think there will be anything on the other side?" he suddenly asked, turning to puffy with his sweet, cadet blue eyes. "i'm not sure, son. well i just hope there is something at the least. i mean it's not like something's gonna pop out of the sky and tell us everything we need to know." as if on cue, there was an audible click heard in the distance. before anyone could react though, two bodies practically spilled onto the deck from thin air, making a harsh sounding landing with no repercussions. when the crew members finally caught wind of the two foreigners hugging one another on the deck, they all finally got the memo, getting into fighting mode as everyone scrambled down to the lower decks and took out their swords in synchrony, creating a reverberating chorus of slicing sounds along with the clicks of crossbows.

even puffy's friend went off, leaping down from the upper deck to become one with the surrounding crowd. the much taller, skinner man with pointy ears who was holding a frail figure in his arms glanced around left and right in terror at the crowd of pirates surrounding them, eyes shooting out of his sockets. the two people decided to switch to a kneeling position, looking around at every stern, glaring face with fear in their eyes, latching onto one another. when the sound of one of the crew members stepping forward made the taller man's ear twitch, he stuck his hand out in front of him as a gesture of stop and surrender. "STOP! STOP!" he yelled out, sounding out of breath.

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