07 - Hide And Seek.

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Jungkook was panicking a lot. He had actually been waiting for some bulky thugs to come and drag him to Jay because he was sure that V would have informed about his gun now. He wanted to run, but guess he was too stunned to even do that. So he just sat there on the bed and waited.

When no one came looking for him, even after about half an hour, Jungkook began to wonder what had happened. He knew that Jay was home at the moment because he heard his driver saying that the boss will leave somewhere at 7.00pm. There was still about 20 minutes left.

Hadn't V told Jay about finding a gun in his room? A pretty unique one at that? But why? What is that sly bastard is after? Jungkook felt as if his head was gonna blow up with all the questions and uncertainties he had.

The rational part of his brain knows that he needs to run fast and save himself. What he came to do is very important to him but he can't lose his life doing that. He made a promise that he will not die here and he has every intention to keep that promise.

But the emotional part of his brain wants to go forward with his plan. He put so much effort and planning to be where he is now, he can't back out and return empty handed.

So Jungkook made a decision. It will not be enough to get the information he came for but he didn't have time to work that way now. The best he could do was this and hope to God that he can get something that would help him to put an end to Jay's empire.

He's gonna break into Jay's office room tonight.


"So, we're meeting him, Again!" V said in an annoyed tone as he got dressed in a black, tight leather pants and a matching top.

Jay was sitting on the chair in the room and just watching V get ready. Jay was never a man for soft feelings but man.... V's beauty always leaves him speechless. Not that he would ever say that aloud, V's ego was as high as the sky already. It doesn't need any more fueling.

"Yeah. I'm hoping to get this finished today. That bastard seems to be up to something." Jay answered in a bored voice.

V gave a curt nod and continued with his dressing. Although he appeared calm from outside, V was having hundreds of thoughts running in his mind and almost all of them were about Jungkook. He has to carefully think about how he should proceed with the information he has but more importantly, how he can get more information.

But first, he needs to get this dinner over with. V absolutely loathed the man they were meeting now but it's not like he had a choice. If Jay wanted him there, he simply had to be there. He's not oblivious to the fact why Jay wanted him to dress like this today.

Everyone has to play their parts when Jay commands it. Cause the alternative of not obeying a psycho like Jay is a one way trip to hell. Atleast V's part doesn't involve anything physical. That would be left to the three poor girls that's gonna be offered as a complement.

Oh how V wished things to be different. But contrary to the popular belief, he's as helpless as anyone else here.


Jungkook waited some time more before making his way towards the boss's room. He took cautious steps, looking for any people. If he got caught, there was no doubt that he wouldn't see tomorrow's sunrise.

But Jungkook had analysed and memoried the floor plan and the movement of the guards to some extent so he was confident. And soon, he reached the room and went in.

Jungkook knows that there are no cameras in this room. Jay does many things in his office that he would rather not leave a record. He took the torch he brought and switched it on. The room was sort of lit by moonlight but it was not enough for what he came to do.

Jungkook walked towards the table and opened the drawer there. He pulled out the contents one by one and started to look through them. To find what he came to find.

And he had to find it soon.


Jay was fuming with anger. After all the preparation and manipulation, he was not able to get what he wanted. It was snatched through his fingers by a competitor and to Jay's dismay, there wasn't shit he could do now.

V followed him wordlessly as Jay stormed into the office room. Jay was unpredictable and dangerous even when he had a calm mind and he was an absolute demon when angry. And this right now, was beyond angry.

V watched without making a sound as Jay paced all over the office. His mind seemed to be all over the place. Suddenly he sat on the chair.

"V! Get that green file from my safe."

V gave a nod and walked towards the safe. He crouched a bit and just as he was about to put the code, he noticed the tips of a brown shoe, peeking from behind the cupboard there. It was just a little amount, hardly sufficient to tell the make but V had a hunch that it was timberlands.

And there was only one person in this mansion who had a pair of brown timberlands.

V's hand stopped halfway to the safe as his mind went to overdrive. He must have taken a second too long to get what Jay asked cause he heard an angry voice in the next second.

"What the fuck are you doing there still?!!" Jay's angry voice boomed around the room and V opened the safe and snatched the said file and turned immediately.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about how to make you feel better." V's voice was steady and didn't betray any of the turmoil in his mind.

Jay didn't seem to believe him as he walked toward V with a frown on his face. V stood his ground and looked at Jay confidently while Jay's icy glare pierced straight into his eyes. But after a few seconds, Jay's frown was replaced by a smug smirk.

"You're not the one I want right now." Jay said in a smug voice as he took the file from V's hand and walked back to his desk.

V quietly released the breath he was holding and leaned on the same cupboard, effectively covering the brown tips from Jay's view. He picked up his phone and pretended to go through it while Jay checked the file.

After a few minutes Jay was done and he called one of his men, Kai.

"Kai!" Jay barked into the phone, no doubt startling the one on the other end. "Pull all the drug deals from Choi's area and give them to Jackson. Yeah, I don't care about the loss. Just make sure the fucker don't have any resources to refill his stock.... Yes, right now!.... and when you're done, bring those three girls to the north dungeon. Get your men there too."

Jay cut the line and looked at V, who seemed to be deeply engaged in this phone. 'Probably gaming' Jay thought as a smirk came to his face. V's complete lack of interest in his business always amused Jay. He is a perfect play toy, in every way.

Jay got up, making V looked up from his phone at the sound of the chair being pulled back. He put his phone into his pocket and walked towards Jay.

"You're done? If it's alright with you, I'm gonna hit the bed." V said and Jay gave a curt nod, indicating that he heard and is ok with it.

Together they walked out of the room. V switched off the lights, making the room fall into semi darkness again.

Only then, Jungkook allowed himself to breathe again. He barely had time to hide himself when he heard the sounds of approaching footsteps. He gathered his stuff and slid behind the cupboard, mentally thanking himself for checking for hiding places as soon as he got into the room.

He actually thought he was screwed when V came near the place he was hiding but looks like luck is still on his side. Now all he had to do was wait for a few minutes till the coast was clear, and get the hell out of there.

Jungkook was counting the minutes when the door opened again and the room became brightly lit. His heart dropped to the floor when he heard the annoyingly familiar deep voice, full in teasing mode.

"Come out, pretty doll. If you want to play, I know much better games than hide and seek."

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