62 - The Gift.

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A/N - so again, few fast paced scenes, with many cliffhangers. We are at the big finale, guys. I hope you all are ready.. hold on to your hearts ok...

Let's get it..  🥰🥰🥰

Few weeks went by where everyone was busy with work. Taehyung's team had a new target, a weapons dealer that goes by the name of Mr Park. They have made the preliminary investigation and gathered enough evidence to proceed with an arrest.

The day was fixed and the plan was to ambush the man when he's coming back from his morning run. He always has a few guards with him so it has to be handled very carefully. The plan was set and Taehyung and others were waiting, but the man didn't show up, which was weird because he had a schedule that was being kept to the minute.

After waiting for over 10 minutes more than the scheduled time, Taehyung knew that something was wrong, and so he called off the operation immediately. They raided all the known locations associated with Mr Park but the man seemed to have vanished into thin air.

This would have been considered an isolated incident until it happened with a few more cases. Soon, there was a point that pretty much every operation or task attempted by Taehyung's team, were getting flopped at the last minute.

Taehyung couldn't figure out what went wrong and where, as everything worked perfectly till the last moment. The obvious explanation was that they had a traitor amongst them. Namjoon had started an internal investment regarding that but it was bound to take time to identify who.

And in the meantime, things were taking a turn for the worse.

Another two weeks or so went by. The atmosphere in the Organised Crime Unit was not at all good, as someone seemed to be after their team. Apart from their work plans continuously getting disrupted, the members seemed to be personally targeted too.

Hoseok was crossing the road after coming back from the grocery store when a vehicle tried to run him over. But luckily, Hoseok has pretty high level reflexes so he managed to get out of the way at the last second. But it was a very close call.

Just after a few days of that incident, Jimin's house was broken into by someone and the insides were all ransacked. Jimin was at work and he had gotten a proper scare when he came home. He immediately backed away from the place and walked into a crowded cafe, before calling Namjoon and Taehyung.

Taehyung and Jungkook were the first to come and Yoongi came right after. A team was sent to check the house and it was decided that Jimin should not live alone. Taehyung immediately offered him to stay at his and Jungkook's place but to everyone's shock, Yoongi announced that jimin will be staying with him.

Jimin of course blushed to a deep red color at that and didn't even raise his head when he was dragged by his hand to Yoongi's car, while others watched that scene with open mouths.

Yoongi was a true gentleman and didn't make any advances till Jimin was comfortable in his house. But then, both knew about each other's feelings and when Yoongi finally took the first step and kissed Jimin, the younger wholeheartedly accepted that.

Their relationship was not much apparent to outsiders as Yoongi is not into public display of affection. But Jimin knew in his heart how much the elder liked him and that was more than enough for him.

Everyone was happy for the couple. They had been expecting this for sometime now and Jungkook openly called Jimin his brother-in-law. At least one good thing came out of that disaster because they were not able to find any leads with the break-in at Jimin's old house.

One day, Jungkook had gotten a cute gift box via a courier service and since the younger was not in his seat, Taehyung accepted that and kept it on Jungkook's table.

"What's that?" Jimin asked in a curious voice as he saw the pretty red color gift box. "What sex toy did you get him this time?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his friend while others let out muffled laughs.

"If it were a sex toy, I would have given it to him at home." Taehyung said as he gave a wink to Jimin but then his expression changed to serious. "But this is not from me, it came through the courier."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and Taehyung immediately understood what was going on in his best friend's mind. Jimin had become rather cautious and wary after the few incidents that had happened with the team.

Taehyung walked over to Jungkook's desk and carefully picked up the box again. "Everything has to be passed through the security scanner so it can't be anything dangerous."

Anyone and anything coming inside the headquarters is scanned, an initiative taken after a criminal sent a bomb disguised as a gift for a staff member a few years ago.

But what could this be then? As per Taehyung's knowledge, Jungkook hasn't ordered anything recently. And even if he did, Jungkook would never let it be delivered to the office, instead of his home.

Taehyung carefully tried to peel away the wrapper, uncovering a golden box underneath.
Jungkook was in a meeting room with one of the prosecutors. Their team doesn't normally help with the paperwork but Namjoon had asked for a favor which is why Jungkook was here. He was fully engaged in his work when his phone rang. Jungkook looked at the screen, noticed it was a restricted number but answered nevertheless.


"Hello, Mr Jeon. You're a hard man to get a hold of."

The voice sounded slightly familiar, but Jungkook couldn't fully recognise it.

"Who's this?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, Jeon-"

"Look, buddy, I don't have time for-"

"Then I suggest you make time.. unless you want to see that fiancé of yours dead."

Jungkook got up from his seat but his insides seemed to be paralyzed with fear. They all knew someone was after their team members. Jungkook felt like his heart was being stabbed with a knife when he realized Taehyung might be the next target.

"Please.." Jungkook pleaded into the phone. "What do you want..?"

The man on the other end laughed loudly. "That's more like it. I've sent you a gift but it seems like your fiancé is about to open it. It wouldn't be very healthy for him, if he did that-"

Jungkook didn't wait to hear anything else as he sprinted towards the door. The phone was clutched tightly in his hand as he ran across the floor to his department.

And when he got there, he was met with the sight of Taehyung holding a gold-colored box in his hands and he was just about to open the lid.

"NO!!" Jungkook screamed as he ran forward as fast as he could.

Taehyung heard the scream and snapped his head towards Jungkook, who was running at him with a frightened look. He didn't realize that his hand was subconsciously still continuing to open the lid.

Jungkook reached Taehyung just as the latter got the lid open. He grabbed Taehyung's hand and reached for the box.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. 

Jungkook's one hand, trying to pull the box to him, while his other hand, pushed Taehyung out of the way, making him fall backwards onto the floor.

Jimin and others got up from their seats, clearly worried about what was happening, while Jin let out a muffled yell.

The box fell between both Taehyung's and Jungkook's hands, but not before it released a thick needle, carefully engineered to shoot out when the lid was fully opened.

Jungkook felt a sharp pain in his neck, just above his collarbone. He raised a shaking hand and pulled out the needle. That was all he remembered doing before he lost consciousness.

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