23 - The Real V.

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Jungkook was flustered. No actually he was way past that and was utterly mortified. He was beginning to wish V would ignore him like he did for the past few days. Because this new V was flirtatious and attentive to a point that Jungkook spent most of his time with a red face and an irregular heartbeat.

V would smile or wink at Jungkook with every chance he got. He would deliberately try to cross paths with Jungkook so that he can have a little moment with him. V was always careful so no one else saw these interactions between him and Jungkook, but it had been so hard to hide the reaction from Jungkook's face.

Right now, he was in a dark corner, in a place that is packed with half conscious people. He was pressed against the wall while V's darkened eyes stared deep into his soul. The elder's arms had made a cage against the wall, making it impossible for him to escape, not that Jungkook wanted anyway.

"V.." Jungkook whispered as he looked around in worry.

"Hmm.." V hummed while gently playing with a strand of the younger's hair, twirling it between his fingers.

"S-someone might see." Jungkook found it a little difficult to speak as V's hand now moved to play with his ear.

V gave a chuckle as he trailed his long fingers over Jungkook's jaw. "Can't see anything here, doll."

Jungkook couldn't argue with that. The place was really dark. Plus they were standing in a corner, not a place visible from a distance.


"But what, doll?"

Jungkook bit his lower lip to hold the little noises in when V leaned forward and started to place butterfly kisses on his neck.

"M-maybe we s-shouldn't do this."

V chuckled darkly. Jungkook's words might be saying 'no' but the way he had arched his neck to the side to give V easier access was screaming 'yes'.

"Hmm.. should we stop?"

"Y-yeah. Cause it's.. d-dangerous.

It's not that Jungkook doesn't want this, he's just scared. And rightfully so. V would be scared too, if his head was not so clouded from all things that were Jungkook.

But V is confident that he can keep both himself and Jungkook safe. And anyway, he's gone too far to ignore the younger now, especially since he already had a small taste of that heaven.

And he just couldn't wait anymore to have it again.

"Can I kiss you?" V asked in a soft voice and he could feel Jungkook stiffening a little under him.

"V.." Jungkook sounded unsure of what to say. "I'm scared.."

V stopped his sweet caresses and pulled back just enough to give a reassuring smile to the younger.

"Don't worry, doll. I'll take care of everything. I will never let anything happen to you. You trust me right?"

Jungkook's lips curved upwards into the tiniest smile as he looked at V with his adorable doe eyes. V was sure that he could drown in them and never regret it.

"Yeah." The sound was barely audible. "I trust you."

"Then, can I kiss you now?" V asked again as his eyes flickered back and forth between Jungkook's eyes and his lips.

He just couldn't decide which one was prettier. Jungkook didn't answer but gave the tiniest nod. And that was all V needed. He leaned in and captured the younger's rosy and soft lips in a gentle kiss. He wanted to be slow and savor it this time.

The kiss was as good as Jungkook remembered. Or even better. He felt his head getting a little dizzy but wasn't sure whether it's due to the lack of air or the butterflies in his stomach.

V's touch gave him tingles under his skin, all over his body. It was as if he was drinking water for the first time after being thirsty for days. For a moment, Jungkook forgot all about his problems, his worries, his revenge.. He forgot everything. It was just him and V.

When V pulled out to breath,Jungkook's legs were starting to feel like jelly. The thrill of the danger, especially since this was forbidden, made Jungkook high to an extent he didn't think possible.

"V.." Jungkook whispered subconsciously, unable to say or think anything else.

V had his body pressed against Jungkook, but only slightly. He didn't want to overwhelm or cross any boundary, yet. He leaned forward and kissed Jungkook's ear lobe.

"Call me by my name." V whispered and Jungkook's eyes became a little confused.

"I thought you said not to call you that."

"No. I told you not to let anyone else hear you say that." V replied as he pulled back and played with Jungkook's hair again. "I would love to hear you say my name."

"But I think V suits you better." Jungkook said teasingly, with a clear smile on his face this time. "It's easier to say too, you know, since it's only one letter "

V's hands sneaked around Jungkook's waist and pulled him roughly against his own, making their lower fronts press together. Jungkook gasped a little in alarm at this roughness but when he looked at V's eyes, he noticed that they only had a mischievous glint.

"Come on, doll. Let me hear it."

"Taehyung." Jungkook's voice was a little unsteady, as if he was saying some forbidden word.

But his doubts and uneasiness disappeared when he saw the soft smile that came on to V's face. Jungkook slowly moved his hand around to V's back, pressing himself even more on to the other.


"Oh.. doll!"

V's voice almost sounded as if he was moaning. It did certain things to Jungkook's body but before he could respond accordingly, his lips were captured in a kiss again.

But this time, it was not as soft as the earlier one. The kiss was needy, passionate and full of force. Kind of like the one they had in that alleyway. Jungkook was pressed back on to the wall, making him whine a little at the impact.

V let go of Jungkook's waist to grab his hands which had somehow found their way into V's hair. He pulled them out and slammed them onto the wall above Jungkook's head. Jungkook could remember V doing the same thing the other day also and realized that it must be one of V's preferences.

And Jungkook actually liked it very much.

The kiss lasted until they ran out of air and when V pulled back, Jungkook whispered against his lips.



"You don't need to ask for permission anymore."

Jay twisted the knife in his hand, over and over again. Things have been... bothersome recently. He is supposed to be torturing someone right now but couldn't find the motivation for it. So the victim is actually looking at him with hopeful and surprised eyes, while Jay continues to twirl his knife.

Suho and Xiumin eyed the scene with caution too. They had never seen Jay be this calm and brooding over anything. The guy was crazy enough with his normal behavior, God only knows how he will be when he's thinking.

The day started normal for Jay but it all changed when Baekhyun gave him some information about his toy, V. Apparently on the day Jungkook had fought with Sehun, V was seen going into Jungkook's room.

Jay remembered very clearly the uninterested and unbothered look V gave him when he told about the fight. Him going to Jungkook's room to check up is a totally contradictory behavior. One of those actions has to be fake.

If there's one thing Jay is sure about V, is that he is one hell of an actor. And for the first time, Jay began to wonder whether the real V is the one he sees or the one Jungkook sees.

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