24 - Is He The One?

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Jungkook typed something on the keyboard without looking up from the screen. He was trying to ignore the burning gaze but it was getting harder by the second. Finally, he gave up and looked at the man sitting on the table next to him.

"Aren't we supposed to keep a low profile?" Jungkook asked with a sigh and V gave a nod in reply.

"We are." His answering tone was playful.

"I don't think sitting in my office and only staring at my face for 45 minutes straight qualifies as a 'low profile'."

"I wasn't doing only that." V got down from Sehun's table and walked toward Jungkook. He put his hands on the table and leaned forward. "I was staring at other places too."

"Don't. Someone might come." Jungkook mumbled with a red face, clearly affected by the closeness of the other.

He knew no one was going to come at this time as it was Sehun's day off. He was just flustered by V's wordless flirting.

"No one's gonna come, doll."

V walked around the table and stood in front of Jungkook, who looked at him with questioning eyes. V bent down and kissed Jungkook's forehead, then his nose, his both cheeks before finally capturing his lips.

Jungkook showed a little resistance at first by placing his hands on V's chest and tried to push him back. But V didn't let him. He grabbed the armrests of Jungkook's chair and used it to overpower the younger.

After a few seconds of half-hearted resistance, Jungkook couldn't take it anymore and gave in to the kiss. His hands that were pressed on to V's chest, curled around his shirt to pull the elder even closer. V complied happily and soon he was kissing Jungkook hungrily, until they had to break apart due to lack of air.

V kept their foreheads connected while both of them tried to calm their breathing and heartbeats. It took them a few minutes but neither changed their position.

Then V moved back and straightened his posture, and Jungkook quickly tried to sit back properly too. But before he could do anything, V hooked his hands under Jungkook's arms and pulled him up to sit on the table.

V attached his mouth to Jungkook's neck in the next second and Jungkook let out a surprised gasp. He turned his head a bit to provide easier access to V but apparently, it was not enough.

V raised a hand to Jungkook's hair and grabbed a handful of hair before yanking it down forcefully. Jungkook hissed in pain as he was now forced to arch his neck and stare at the ceiling above him. V applied a little more pressure and this time, Jungkook closed his eyes and let out a tiny moan.

"Do you like it?" V asked in his deep and intimidating voice and Jungkook gulped before answering.

"I d-don't hate it."

V chuckled at the younger's stubbornness as he found it rather adorable. He anyway likes a challenge. V leaned down even more and kissed the younger's collarbone.

Jungkook was drowning in V's touch when he felt the elder's teeth gazing at the skin on his neck. He quickly pulled back, making V look at him with confused eyes.

"No marks." Jungkook said in an urgent tone and V furrowed his eyebrows.


"Come on, V! What if someone saw?"

V groaned a little but didn't say anything. He knew the younger was absolutely correct, he should have remembered that. V should have remembered a lot of things but it seemed like the attraction he felt for Jungkook had clouded his judgment a lot.

V pulled away as he understood the situation perfectly but couldn't stop the pout that came on to his face. He looked like a small child who had been told not to play with his favorite toy.

Jungkook didn't like that look, he didn't like it all. So when V tried to take a step back, Jungkook stopped him by grabbing his shirt again. V stopped and looked at Jungkook with questioning eyes and the younger did something so unexpected, that made V take a sharp breath in.

With slightly hesitant fingers, Jungkook unfastened the upper 2 button on his own shirt and pulled the material to the side a bit, exposing his shoulder and a little bit of his chest.

"Here." Jungkook's voice was barely audible. "You can mark me here."

If V was surprised, it didn't last very long. He gave a soft smile to Jungkook, who blushed a little as a response, and leaned forward to attach his mouth to the younger's exposed flawless skin.

Jungkook soon felt the pain mixed with pleasure, both were making his skin tingle. He closed his eyes and let V do whatever he wanted, Jungkook didn't have the willpower to refuse the elder anyway.

V moved inch by inch, making patterns of angry red patches everywhere. And when he was done, he moved to the other shoulder and repeated it. Jungkook was whimpering a bit by now but made no attempt to stop the elder. If anything, he arched his head so that V could have the maximum space to work with.

When V finally stopped and stepped back both Jungkook's face and shoulders were as red as they could possibly be. V gave a soft peck to the younger's lips again before gently getting him down from the table. He then went back to his original seat on Sehun's table and sat there.

Jungkook was sort of in a daze for a few seconds before he snapped out of it and fixed his shirt before going back to work. The silence carried for about 10 minutes, in which V continued to stare at the younger, who in turn, continued to avoid meeting his gaze.

V noticed that Jungkook was touching the area that V marked and he suddenly had another thought.

"Doll, are those your first hickies?"

Jungkook didn't answer but the sudden redness in his face was enough to convince the elder.

"You never had a lover?" V asked in a shocked voice as he couldn't believe it.

While going all the way is a serious and conscious decision, V could not believe that the younger never had a romantic interest. I mean, Jungkook is as gorgeous as anyone could possibly be. Hundreds of people would get in line for a chance to be with him. Not to mention his sweet and angel-like personality.

Jungkook however, didn't find the situation very entertaining. He rolled his eyes as a response before answering.

"Of course I did. It's just that I've never been on the receiving end before." Jungkook's voice sounded a little annoyed.

"Oh..." V's mouth shaped into a big round before he remembered to close it again. "Huh! That actually makes more sense."

Jungkook gave a little huff and went back to his work. Another silence dragged for about 5 minutes before V spoke up again.

"So.....What happened?"

Jungkook looked up with a sigh, only to see V looking at him curiously. Jungkook was not ashamed of his virginity but talking about it with V was still uncomfortable. But he could see that V would not let it go until he got a clear answer so he decided to just get it over with.

"I had few boyfriends before. But none of them felt right. None of the relationships lasted long but I always ended them in friendly terms. I always wanted my intimate times to be with a person I really care about, maybe a person I love. Guess I was just waiting for the right one."

Again there was a silence where both of them were deep in thought.

V knew he was attracted to Jungkook but he realized just how much when he felt the need to ask whether he could be considered as the right one. But V knew that he's not allowed to ask that as he still feared the answer very much.

And anyway, they had known each other only for a short period and he didn't think it would be fair for Jungkook to be put in such a spot. So he kept his mouth shut and let the younger one continue with his work.

If only he had known that Jungkook was struggling with his heart too, asking the same question from himself. And to his surprise, the answer was rather clear to him.

Even with all the secrets and hidden past, V might just be the one.

If only the elder had the courage to ask.

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