30 - Let's Enjoy The Night.

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A/N - so...there's a bit of violence and past sexual abuse mentioned in this chapter.. Just few lines so I didn't put the trigger warning. I hope that's Ok..

And I'm sorry for this... I hope you guys won't be too upset...😔😔😔
Jay tapped on the table he was sitting on, his face adorned with a smirk. He looked to his side, where V was standing with a stony face.

"Guess this is why he didn't fall for your charms." Jay said in a smug voice and V gave a nod in confirmation. He had to play his role perfectly, now more than ever.

"Yeah. Guess so."

Although V's voice sounded annoyed, Jay thought maybe he heard a hint of nervousness in it. But he let go of that thought in the next second. Didn't he already suspect V and was proven wrong?

He needs to focus on Jungkook now. This night is surely gonna be a fun one. There's so many things he liked to do to the man, Jay could hardly wait. But first, he needs to get some answers.

"So.. Jungkook-" Jay starts in a fake friendly voice. "-oh wait!! Is Jungkook your real name?"

Jungkook didn't answer except glare at Jay. He was so disappointed with himself. He had been so close to getting what he wanted. Only 5 more minutes and he would have been out of there.

Jungkook purposefully avoided eye contact with V as he was sure the latter would be doing the same. Whatever the issues they had between them, Jungkook knew that V didn't want to see him get hurt. The elder had saved him too many times for it to be a fake thing.

But the situation that he so stupidly put himself in is not a one that even V could help him with. Jungkook was utterly and completely screwed.

He was so busy analyzing the situation that he didn't see the look that was passed between Jay and Kai, but the hard punch to his stomach was impossible to miss. Jungkook doubled down in pain but was immediately pulled up by his hair. He coughed a bit as he was forced to look at Jay again.

"When I ask a question, I expect you to answer." Jay didn't have his creepy smile anymore. Instead, he looked like a maniac. "Now, tell me why are you here?"

Jungkook didn't answer and after a small nod from Jay, few of his men started to hit Jungkook. They kicked and punched with such force that Jungkook was coughing blood within minutes.

V watched with a bored expression but he was dying inside. His baby was in so much pain but there wasn't anything he could do. He had to hold on till the right moment as he was Jungkook's only chance of survival. Letting himself get exposed now will cost both their lives.

After Jay signaled the men to stop, they left Jungkook on the floor. He had several bleeding wounds and didn't seem able to get up even. Jay crouched in front of him and raised his head by pulling his hair roughly.

"Oh come on!" Jay said in a cooing voice. "You have to let me know why you are here. How will I know whom to thank otherwise? Hmm.... Are you an undercover agent? Or from a rival party? Or maybe you are here seeking revenge? Is it because of one of my whores?"

An expression of pure hatred flashed across Jungkook's eyes and Jay was quick to catch that. He got up and walked to his desk with a huge smile, as if the fact that Jungkook is here for revenge is the best news he had heard all day.

"Aww.... did wee Jungkookie come for revenge? Who was it? You have to be a little specific, you know. Cause there are hell a lot of them. I don't really remember the names or even faces of those bitches, unless of course, they put up a good fight."

Jungkook stumbled onto his feet, ignoring the pain in his body and lounged towards Jay. But Kai and Suho had already been on his either side and dragged him away from the boss.

Jay's happy laugh rang through the entire room at the sight of Jungkook's struggle. The latter looked so angry and hurt, it was doing absolute wonders to Jay's psychotic nature.

"So tell me, man!! Who did you come to avenge? Let me at least know which one deserved such effort, cause you really managed to fool me with your sob story. She must be watching from somewhere. Make that girl proud."

Jay's voice was really alluring and was playing with Jungkook's mind a bit, making him want to answer this time.

He was sure he would die in this place today, so what's the point in hiding things? Like this bastard said, Jungkook hoped his sister was proud of him, wherever she is. Although she would definitely pull his ear for getting caught like this.

"Jeon Yeri, my sister." Jungkook gritted through his teeth.

He didn't actually expect Jay to remember the name but to his surprise, Jay's face instantly lit up with recognition.

"Oh my my!!" Jay exclaimed in genuine surprise. "I do remember her. Wanna hear her story?"

Jungkook didn't answer and Jay wasn't expecting it anyway. He pulled up a chair and sat near Jungkook and started his story.

"You know, she was never supposed to be here. It's all thanks to her boyfriend. That moron thought he could cheat me of my money and when I got him to pay up, he offered her instead." Jay talked as if he was explaining the weather.

"And, well, you know me. I thought it was a fair deal and the boy himself called the girl here. And you can imagine what happened after that right?"

Jay leaned forward and put his mouth close to Jungkook's face before whispering into his ear. "We had so much fun that day."

Jungkook roared in anger but that was all he could do, since all three of Kai, Suho and Chenyeol had him tightly in their grips. Jay laughed loudly, fully enjoying the misery of the other.

"You don't have to worry about the boy because I killed him later too, after I made him watch everything. She was such a good girl. They all played with her and she took it all so well, didn't she guys?" Jay asked from the others and few of them replied with confirmation.

"She sure did, boss." Baekhyun answered with a smug voice.

"She even had me and Kai together." Sehun chimed in too.

Everyone roared in laughter as Jungkook screamed again. He was shaking so badly while tears ran down his face. Jungkook wanted to kill every one of them and he no longer even cared about the promise he made to Yoongi about coming back alive.

Jay raised a hand to silence them as he gave a swift glance towards V. He had been silent all this time, with his face totally clear of any emotions. Driven by a sudden thought, Jay looked back at Jungkook.

"You know, even V had his way with her."

That was the breaking point for Jungkook. He screamed in pure agony before breaking free of his hold. Kai was thrown to the side and was hit against the cupboard and Suho was slammed in the wall. But just as Jungkook was within the touching distance of Jay, he was pulled back by the others.

When Jay made that remark, V's face showed emotion for the first time in the night. An emotion of shock and fear. He couldn't mask it before Jay noticed it because the latter was actually waiting for it.

Watching others break beyond repair is the best type of entertainment for Jay. And he has just the perfect plan for it tonight.

"Let's see if you are as good of a whore as your sister, shall we? Let's see how well you can take them. My boys will enjoy playing with you."

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