"Of course, who else?" He replied, and my smile stretched further. I held the small bouquet close to my chest, a weird feeling swimming around my stomach.

"Thank you..." I said softly, my grip on the stems tightening.

I never want these to die...

He walked over to a bench, motioning for me to follow him. I walked over and sat next to him, just holding my flowers.

"You seem, surprised, darling...you've never received flowers before?" He asked me, glancing down at me.

I looked at the little flowers, observing each petal. I shook my head, "no...I haven't," I said quietly.

He was silent for a moment, then he just sighed softly. He slid closer to me, reaching over and gently removing the stems from my grasp.

I watched him curiously, and he glanced around.

He looked like he was looking out for something, but seemed satisfied when he saw we were the only people in the park.

Next, he looked to me, "would you like to bring these home?" He asked me. I nodded immediately. He chuckled and I watched his hands as he held the flowers.

I gasped when his claws extended from his fingers and he used one of them to prick his hand. He held his palm over the flowers and blood dripped into the petals.

The petals soaked up the blood and the bouquet began glowing a soft green color. He whispered something in a different language and then the bouquet disappeared.

I looked back up at him, and he had a satisfied smile on his face.

"What'd you do...?" I asked him, and he looked over at me.

"They're back home, I put a spell on them so they won't die any time soon," he said simply and my smile returned.

Just then my stomach growled and I blushed. He looked at me, amused.

"My, is someone hungry?" He teased me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

He chuckled and stood up, holding his hand out for me. I took it, holding his jacket around me with the other one.

I thought we were going to head back into town to eat, but he just lead me further into the park. I glanced up at him skeptically.

He hummed softly, and finally we came to a small clearing. He lead me towards a soft patch of grass and then snapped.

I stared in awe as a blanket appeared, a small basket placed in the center.

He gently nudged me forward when I didn't move, his hand pressing into my lower back sending butterflies through my stomach.

I sat down, smiling at the thoughtfulness of all of this. He snapped again and various foods appeared before he opened the basket and pulled out plates and silverware.

"I've never been on a picnic before," I mused softly, running my fingers over the blanket, observing all the details.

When I looked back up at him he was giving me that soft look again.

I blushed and looked away, but he reached forward and lifted my chin.

"You have pretty eyes...you should let me see them more often," he said softly. The blush on my cheeks deepened.

Is he flirting with me...?


"T-thank you..." I stuttered and his soft smile turned into a smirk. He brushed his thumb over my cheek before pulling his hand away from my face.

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