Chapter 6

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Amity P.O.V.

After eating dinner and then pacing in my room for a few minutes, I decided to bite the bullet and just go ask my parents if I could "tutor" one of "Emira's friends" and that she "begged me" for help. As I was pacing, I imagined all of the different scenarios of how this could play out. The worst being that they saw right through me and figured everything out about my life outside of being a Blight. The best, being them accepting it and then never bothering me about it again.

I figured that it would fall somewhere in the middle, so when I knocked on the door to my parents' room, I was ever so slightly optimistic. 

"Come in." My mother's voice rang out from behind the closed door.

I opened the door, slipped in, and closed it behind me. 

"What do you need?" My mother was sitting in an extravagant—and not that comfortable looking—chair, stirring a cup of what I assumed was tea. Her expression was somewhat impatient and as cold as ever.

"I have been offered a position as a tutor to one of Emira's acquaintances, and I have come to seek your approval." I stood up straight and kept my voice neutral.

"What will you be gaining from this ordeal?" She asked me.

"I will be paid by the hour for each session," I answered calmly.

"And when will these sessions be?" My mother's gaze never wavered from mine.

"Each day after school," I tried to keep myself from cowering away from that gaze.

"Hmm," She pondered it and looked over to my father, who was immersed in his laptop. "What do you think, Alador?"

He looked up for a moment. "Well, she will be gaining from it, therefore I allow it," He then looked over to me once my mother had also turned her attention back to me and gave me a little smile. 

My father was always kinder than my mother. He was the one to comfort me when I was sad, the one to patch up my scratches and scrapes when I was a kid, the one who actually cared for me. I figured that he knew about a lot of the things I did, since he was still seen as the head of the family to the public eye and got all of the information from mom's little spies. If I wasn't in trouble yet, he either didn't know, or just wanted me to do what I loved to do. That little smile he gave me told me that he knew something, and was covering for me, giving me the chance to live out my life. That little smile meant the world to me. 

I nodded and thanked both of them as I walked out and quietly shut the door behind me. Once I turned around, there were two very curious twins right up in my face.

"Sooo?" Edric was grinning.

"What was that all about?" Emira finished the question.

"And what's got you smiling like that?" I didn't realize that I was smiling until Ed pointed it out, and for a moment it shocked me.

"We can talk about it in my room," I quickly walked down the hall, the twins almost jogging behind me to keep up.

"Ooh! Does it have something to do with that girl you were on the phone with for like three hours earlier?" Em put a hand on my shoulder, effectively stopping me in my tracks.

I felt my face heat up a bit. "Let's just get to my room first," I brushed Em's hand off my shoulder and speed walked into my room, letting the twins in before locking the door behind me.

"So is it that girl or not?" Ed had a smug look on his face as he sat down on the bed with his twin.

"Yes. Now before you freak out, let me explain what's going on," I started pacing and told my siblings about the situation. When I met Luz at the club, sitting next to her at school, our little study session, how we almost kissed, all of the conversations, how she wanted me to be in her band, what our excuse to mom and dad was, and how they let me. 

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