"You probably left it in the car," the redhead announced, noting how the sight in front of her was pitiful. The oh so perfect student-council president looked ready to cry.

"Doesn't matter, but if we don't want to get lost, we have to stick together," the girl casually declared. Then, she not-so casually hinted: "We could just for sure hold hands so that we don't seperate in this crowd,"

God knows how much blood just came rushing to her face.

Why the hell did she say that.

"Forget it," she turned somewhere else so that she would at least somehow hide how much her cheeks were burning.

But at that moment, Asano's warm hand took hers and squeezed it tight. He didn't say a word about it, only lead them further inside.

It was a nice feeling.

Their fingers intertwined.

It was so nice.

"Do want the nikuman steamed buns?" he asked out of blue, his tone gentle and somehow... so loving.

The redhead looked properly at where they were standing. There were many street food boots with all kinds of really delicious looking treats. But sweets would have to wait.

"Yeah, sounds good," she nodded and the boy then went to buy two, the absence of his hand somehow unbearable.

The nikuman tasted better than ever before - might have also been because it costed twice the normal price (damn the overpriced food at festivals). Or because she was starving. Either way, they both finished the bun in less than five minutes, still craving more.

So next up was Takoyaki. Damn luscious, but frankly, Koro-sensei's was better.

Another thing that caught Akabane's attention was an octopus on a skewer with soy sauce - Ikayaki. And holy mother of apples, was it good!

"I can't believe something this creepy can taste this good," she grinned and bit off its head.

"I can't believe I find you violently chewing on an octopus adorable," he nonchalantly replied.

It surely made her heart stop for a while, but this wasn't the time to become a ball of blush: "I can't believe you let go of my hand, what if someone kidnaps me?"

"I'd be actually more worried about the kidnapper, but alright," he lifted their hands and joined them in front of her so that she would get a proper look that he was doing it consciously, "I won't leave the poor scared you alone,"

Whatever it was that came out of her, it didn't sound composed at all.

The boy just bit into his octopus  while Karma only stared: "Do you realize we just flirted?"

"Hmm," he didn't even look up, "so?"

"I think you're adorable too,"

Now he did look up.

"Especially when you buy me food," she added.

"Thanks," Asano laughed - so melodiously Karma was sure she has never heard a sound more precious. She doubted there were many people who got the privilege to hear it. Or any at all.

"Then I guess I should go and get you more," he walked up to another stall, "Dango?"

"Damn yeah, and I wonder why you're so generous today," the redhead grinned as she got three sticks with colourful dango balls, "trying to atone for all your sins?"

"Nope, just bribing the Satan himself with street food and sweets. See, I'd like to have a room with acclimatization since it's so hot in hell."

"Don't worry, you deserve nothing but the throne beside me," she replied, amused.

"But does the throne have acc?" he played along.

"I'm not sure. We can buy one later though,"

Gakushuu pretended absolute shock: "You can find electronics stores there?"

And here it was. Karma started waving with her dango like teachers would do with their teacher-sticks when explaining a subject, her face very proffesional and knowledgable:

"Of course, they never told you? The quality of hell electronics is head and shoulders above that of Earth. Also if you want, we can go to a Home shop. If I remember right, they will have sale on skulls, decorative fire and the souls of sinners. And I think that since I will be coming there, they will give us a wonderful deal. After all, I control it there." She grinned at him.

"We," he corrected her, "we control it. And souls of sinners are no fun, they don't scream. I prefer souls of those sentenced to eternal torture, they make for a marvelous entertainment."

Karma chuckled. At that moment, she noticed that they were being stared at. Actually there were at least four people looking at them with creeped out faces (not so surprisngly), two of them whispering whether they should call the mental hospital or not.

It would be wise to silently disappear and pretend nothing happened, but the girl was never the type to feel embarrased of who she was. Or what.

"I found newcomers," she told her partner, loud enough for the four strangers to hear her, "Can I hang them on the wall?"

But Asano wasn't that perky anymore.

He froze. Literally.

You might not know it yet, but once it came to the public, his brain switched into must-be-perfect mode. Being seen sputtering such crazy nonsense did a great damage to that mode.

Therefore, he just turned around and scuttled away in the speed of light. He heard Akabane's laughter behind, but at this very moment, he didn't care, because he thought that he was going to die.

"Hey Asano, no need to run! If you don't fancy hanging people, we can always burn them!" she jokingly shouted, almost crying, because this was truly hilarious.

Asano, on the other hand, cried for real.

The only one(Fem Karma x Asano)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें