"Oh my god." I say pathetically and put my face in my hands. "How the fuck am I supposed to tell my best friend that her fiance is cheating on her? She's gonna be crushed. Why did KJ have to be a fucking douchebag?"

"I know I know. I would've told her but I don't feel like I'm the best person to do that."

"No, yeah you're right. I'm glad you told me." I agree. "Maybe this is why he's been useless with wedding planning."

"Maybe, what a dick." Josh sighs.

I nod my head.

"Josh you should've told me sooner. Even if it had to be over the phone." I say.

"I just didn't know how this would come across over the phone, you know? I knew if I did this in person, we could sort this out better." He explains.

"I understand, but still."

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry." He falls on the sword.

Josh and I then discussed how we were gonna tell her, and when.

We decided as soon as possible.

So we went straight to her and KJ's home.

It wasn't pretty.

KJ wasn't home when we first got there. We told her everything. At first she was in complete shock and didn't believe us. But then KJ got there about an hour after we did and Josh and I confronted him in front of Emma. She was laughing since she didn't believe us. It was only when KJ admitted to it that I saw her face drop and tears enter her eyes. She yelled at him to which he only listened and nodded. He knew he had no legs to stand on. She finally told him to get out and he listened. I advised Josh to leave as well and he did. I held Emma as she cried for hours. I made us some food at one point. But for the most part I just tried to play therapist as best I could. She called her mom once it got to be nighttime and she came over. I've always loved her mom. Once she got there she told me I should go home and that she could handle it from here. Then she thanked me for being with her all day. I said I wouldn't have had it any other way. I'm always gonna be there for Emma.

Now I'm getting into my car about to go home. I haven't checked my phone since this morning, so I decide to finally do that.

Once I unlock it I see that I have six missed calls from Harry.

Before I start the car I call him back.

"Naomi?" He answers.

"Hey, what's up? Is everything okay? Sorry I haven't been checking my phone-"

"Yeah, everything's good. I was worried about you since I hadn't heard from you since this morning."

"Don't worry I'm fine."

"Then why do you sound sad darling?"

"Because... Where are you?"

"At my house, want to come over?"

"Yes please."

"Good. I'll have a Marvel movie ready for you to watch once you get here." He chuckles.

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