Chapter 33: "Man down!"

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"It's-" Hoodie was interrupted.

"It's his mission." Y/n said.

"What? What do you mean mission?" He questioned.

"For some reason slender gave him the mission of following me around all day." She sighed.

"That's stupid." Jeff said. He lifted his knife to hoodies neck again.

"Go home, kid." He threatened.

"I'm older than you?" Hoodie questioned to the "kid" remark.

"Just go." Jeff sighed.

Hoodie stood still for a minuet.

"Can't do that." Hoodie replied. "I'm not supposed to lose sight of you." He added.

"And I can't lie to him either."

"Then you wont have to lie about loosing us." Jeff shouted, grabbing Y/n by the hand and beginning to run.

Hoodie shouted something unintelligible and began running after them.

Jeff let go of her arm as he began running faster. Immediately she knew what his intention was. He wanted to race.

She sped up, running beside him. They both knew where they were going so they never slowed down. Ultimately out running hoodie in the first minute, but the race never stopped.

Jeff kept first place for a little bit, roughly 20 steps infront of her. She was waiting for him to run out of breath. Eventually he started breathing heavier, that's when she sped up, quickly overtaking him.

"Loser!" She shouted when she passed him.

He grinned in defeat and rolled his eyes. They both slowed down, jeff huffing a bit.

"Out of breath are we?" She teased.

"Shut your mouth, Y/n!" He half shouted.

She looked ahead and realized they had entered town. She pulled Jeff aside.

"You do realize I'm very wanted right now and you.. well you kind of stand out." She spoke softly.

He smirked and took something out of his pocket.

"Which is why I brought these!" He presented her with a medical mask and a hat.

"What about you?" She worried.

"I've got my hood." He stated.

"And your face?"

He pulled his hair infront of his face, so you could only see the bottom of his face.

"Can you even see?" She chuckled.

"It's good enough."

They walked into the town, getting weird looks from people every now and then.

They walked up the the police station and hid beside a car.

"Here." He handed Y/n a loaded gun while taking another one for himself.

"The evidence room is the last room on the left end of the hallway. You go get it while I raid the armory and stand watch." He spoke, cocking the gun.

She nodded and slowly made her way to the front door. They both jumped in. There were two receptionists and an officer in the lobby.

"HEY! LOWER YOUR WEAPON!" The officer shouted, reaching for his weapon. Before he could draw his weapon, Jeff shot him.

One of the receptionist began crying.

"HANDS UP!" Jeff laughed in his usual insane tone.

Y/n made her way down the hallway, hearing doors open and gunshots fired behind her. She didn't look back though. She tried to open the door at the end of the hallway but it was locked. She stood for a second, then took the handle of her gun and knocked the doorknob off. She kicked it open and saw a police officer reaching for her weapon. Before the officer could draw her weapon, she was shot by Y/n.

She ran into the room and looked at all of the tables. There were random items, probably stolen. Then on a separate table there were multiple weapons. Mostly guns, a machete and a knife. Jeff's knife. She picked up the knife and the machete and put them in her bag. She didn't know why the machete was there or who it belonged too, but she wanted it, so she took it. She turned around and was faced with a gun. An officer was holding his gun in her direction. Before she could aim her weapon, she was shouted at.

"Drop. The weapon." He spoke calmly. Anger dripping from his voice.

Y/n slowly sat the gun down.

"And the backpack." He demanded.

She complied. She didn't know how to get out of this one.

"Turn around and put your hands behind your back." He spoke.

She did so. Well, there goes her future.

She felt cuffs get put on her, and before the officer could lead her out, she heard gurgling and a thud. She turned around and Jeff had slit the officers throat. Jeff stood over him, seemingly admiring the body.

"Let's go." He smiled. And with that, Jeff grabbed the backpack and they ran for the door.

"Unexpected" // Jeff The Killer X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang