Karaoke, Eggnog, and Mistletoe

Start from the beginning

"It's Christmas!" George exclaims, his breath warm against Dream's cheeks. "How can you sleep in on Christmas? Even I woke up early."

Dream rubs his eyes, trying to look around the classroom. "Did anyone else wake up early or did you just decide to torture me?"

George makes a face, poking him in the nose. "I'm not gonna torture you if you have a present for me."

"How could I have a present for you?We're in the middle of an apocalypse. What do you want me to get you, a new knife?"

"So you don't have a present?" George summarizes.

Dream sighs dramatically, leans up, and pecks George on the lips. "There's your present, idiot."

A smirk blooms on George's lips, distracting Dream, who's suddenly overly aware of how closely they're pressed together. Of how George's legs are tangled in his and his hips are presses against his stomach and...

And then the warmth disappears as George stands up as suddenly as he had pounced. "Fine, I'll ask Sapnap for a better present."

Dream lets out a growl, reaching for George, but he's already crossed the room to Sapnap's sleeping bag. Dream exhales roughly, willing the heat and frustration below his stomach to ebb away. He wonders if this is what George meant by torturing him, especially when George throws a look over his shoulder and catches Dream's gaze. His eyes gleam and Dream sits up...

But George is already shaking Sapnap awake. "It's Christmas, idiot!" he says, his voice carrying through the room and startling the others awake.

"It's Christmas?!" Sapnap yells, sitting up.

"It's too fucking early is what it is," Quackity grumbles. Then, he frowns. "Wait, it's Christmas?"

"You guys didn't know?" Karl asks, wiggling out of his sleeping bag. He stands up, sticking out his arms to show off a Christmas sweater he's somehow wearing. It's the ugliest thing Dream has ever seen - brick-red with a clashing pattern, ornaments hanging off it, and a reindeer that looks weirdly 3D. "I've been ready for like, a month."

Quackity stands like he's about to give a speech and Dream pulls his gaze away from Karl's sweater. "Okay, first thing's first, we need a tree. Someone, go find one."

"Why don't you go find one?" George mutters, and Quackity gives him a death glare.

But Sapnap stands up and grabs his new-found axe from beside his sleeping bag. "I'll go cut down a tree."

"Wait, chill," Karl says, tugging at Sapnap's sleeve. "Isn't that kinda dangerous?"

"I'll be fine," Sapnap says, his voice softening a fraction. "I'll bring Techno with me so he can help me carry back the tree."

Quackity claps his hands together, interrupting the moment. "Okay, Sapnap, you can leave now." He literally shoves Sapnap out the door, shuts it behind him, and turns to face the others. "Now, what?"

"Now, we decorate," Karl announces. "And also find presents. And maybe some eggnog and a karaoke machine and gingerbread."

"Wait, what?" Dream asks, breaking out of his thoughts. "Where the hell are we gonna find all of that?"

A smile tugs at Karl's lips. "Trust me, I know a place."

It doesn't take long for Karl to convince everyone and then they're heading down to the basement which is apparently full of Christmas stuff. Montero joins them, wearing a shimmering elf costume with a jingling elf hat. Earrings shapes like sleighs lead by reindeer dangle from his ears. Dream doesn't even question where he found all that, just like he doesn't question where Karl found his sweater as they reach the basement door.

The Apocalypse [Dreamnotfound AU]Where stories live. Discover now