"How sweet of you to greet me,But now we gotta talk." Draco grabs Quinn's wrist and drags her out of the dorm and into the empty common room.

"What do you want, I was busy." Quinn huffs as she shoves Draco away.

Draco rolls his eyes before pinning Quinn against the brick wall, with both his hands on either side of her. "Listen Riddle I don't give a damn if your busy or not." Draco declares. "I need your help with something." Draco adds.

Quinn attempts to shove Draco again but it's no use. He won't budge. "What do I get in return?" Quinn questions while smirking widely.

"Money, jewelry, anything. I don't care." Draco responds. Quinn's smirk grows even wider. "So anything,huh?" Quinn whispers, pulling Draco closer.

"I want..." Quinn stops, giving his ear a flick with her tongue.

"For you to give me the seeker spot for quidditch." That made Draco's eyes widen and make him push himself off of the wall.

Quinn watches as Draco runs his hands through his hair while walking back and forth. "Bloody hell Riddle, I- I- ca-" Quinn cuts off Draco. "Deal or no deal, Malfoy. You decided." Quinn crosses her arms over her chest.

Draco faces Quinn, taking a deep breath. "Only for this one game." Draco sighs making Quinn smirk widely. "You got yourself a deal,Malfoy." With that Quinn turns on her heel and returns back to her dorm.


Blaise notices how stressed Draco looks and it makes him wonder why or who made him so tense.

"You alright Draco?" Blaise asks, fixing up his belt.

"I'm fine." Draco responds dryly while playing with his rings.

Draco wasn't sad nor worried. He was flustered. Draco just couldn't get the imagine of Quinn out of his head. Especially when she looked so bloody gorgeous in that tight fitted dress and her necklace that was right in between her plumped up soft looking tits.

"Draco stop daydreaming already my friend. The party is about to begin." Theodore says as he walks in with a white shirt with white pants and a cream colored coat.

Blaise without a word exits the dormitory, making his way towards the lower part of the dungeons, where the party will be hosted at.

Bumping into Pansy on his way he places his hands on her hips so she doesn't collide with him.

"Hello Blaise." Pansy greets as Blaise takes off his hands from her hips.

"Hello Pans, I'm on my way to the dungeon's, I'll see you later." Blaise says as he gives her a small wave before continuing his way to the dungeons.

Pansy watches as Blaise disappears around the corner before she goes into Draco,Theodore,and Blaise's dorm.

"Draco." Pansy says as she enters the room, only to find both Theodore and Draco smoking a joint.

Draco turns around and raises a brow. "Is it true that you're giving Quinn the seeker spot?" Pansy questions as she walks closer to both of the boys.

That makes Theodore snap his head in Draco's direction. "You're giving your spot to Riddle!?" Theodore shouts making Draco sigh.

"It's only for the first game." Draco mumbles as he hands the joint to Pansy who takes a long drag of it. "Why though Draco?" Pansy asks in a calm voice. In reality her voice is always calm and soothing, especially with her 'accent'.

"She's doing me a favor and she would only help me if I gave her the position." Draco mutters, running his hand through his hair.

Theodore scoffs before storming out of the room. Theodore was furious. Quinn always seems to manage to get what she wants, and it makes him mad.

Not to mention that she was able to get the seeker position for quidditch now. Theodore knew Quinn wanted to be seeker at least one time in her years at Hogwarts. Quinn didn't join quidditch the first year but the second year she did, she was a beater. The third year she was a chaser, fourth year she was also a chaser, fifth she wanted to be a seeker but Draco got it so she was a chaser. This year she is finally gonna be a seeker.

Theodore marches down the stairs and into the common room only to find Quinn sitting on the couches with a piece of gum in her mouth.

"If it isn't the manipulative bitch." Theodore scoffs, looking at Quinn's outfit before crossing his arms.

"Theo, wonderful to see you once again." Quinn sarcastically says as she stretches the piece of gum with her finger.

Before Theodore can say anything Pansy and Draco both come down. "Come on guys, the party is about to start." Pansy says as she grabs a hold of Quinn's hand, dragging her out.

Draco was confused on why Theodore was speaking with Quinn, especially since Theodore despises Quinn.

"What were you talking about?" Draco questions as Theodore and him walk behind the two girls.

"Nothing important, just putting the bitch in her place." Theodore responds, keeping his hands in his pockets.

Quinn and Pansy were too busy talking about their own stuff that they heard nothing about what Draco and Theodore were talking about.

"Can you also tell Mattheo that I'm very much gay. I wouldn't want him getting ideas." Pansy whispers making Quinn laugh.

"I can't blame him for wanting to get a piece of you, you're hot." Quinn winks, playfully.

Pansy laughs before tangling their fingers together. As they swing their hands back in forth.

Draco notices and scoffs. "Don't tell me you left me for Quinn." Pansy and Quinn stop walking making both guys almost crash into them.

"Bloody hell." Theodore sighs as he realizes they will be late to the party.

"I didn't leave you for Quinn, Draco. Guys just aren't my cup of tea." Pansy explains, trying to be as nice as possible.

"And she realized that when she was dating you..." Quinn whispers while trying to not burst out laughing.

"Whatever." Draco mutters as he continues walking with Theodore by his side.

Pansy and Quinn face each other before smiling. "We never even had sex, but I'm glad we didn't, cause if we did I wouldn't be comfortable being his friend." Pansy whispers to Quinn, making her laugh.

Word Count: 1405

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