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"I am"

I could feel a sense of dread pass over me finally letting the conversation click in my mind.

"It's not good alpha. The cancer is back. But it's worse than before and I'm sorry to tell you I can't fix it this time. Your terminal and at the rate it's growing you only have a few months left. Maybe 2-3 I'm so sorry"

"But-but you said it was gone"

It's only then that I realise Aspen's father is standing behind me as the tears start to fall. My chest contracts painfully, it hurts. I'm never going to have a child or get married or live until we are old and grey. My life is over and I just found her. I grab my chest and heave. Caden grabs me and pulls me into a hug as I sob. He takes the phone.

"Is there nothing else you can do"

"No im sorry"

She answers him and I hear him hang up. He pulls back and I heave and jump from the car and get sick. I empty my stomach. My knees tremble and I fall back on the car to steady myself, unable to talk or think.

I slide onto the ground and light a smoke. Caden slides down beside me but says nothing. I couldn't stop the tears even if I tried. A woman came into my line of vision and I could see her lips move but I couldn't hear a word she said. Then Aspen's mother came out. She was crying with Frank who kneeled in front of me and all of a sudden I hadn't a clue what was happening around me or why they were so sad.

The woman kneels in front of me and touches me, making the entire situation hit me in the heart and I realise I'm dying.

"I'm Aspen's gran, I'm a healer but I can't heal you. I wish I could but I can't but you need to listen to me. You have 2 months and you need to make them the best 2 months aspen has ever had. Caden won't stop you anymore. You go in there and you make her happy and tell her the truth tomorrow"

I hang my head and sob. I sob so damn hard I can't breathe. I feel arms around me but none of them are what I need. All I want is her but now I realise no matter what I do I'm going to hurt her. The one thing I promised I wouldn't do. I need to make this the best night of her life so I stand up and shake myself off and turn to caden.

"I know she's your little girl. I know I've been a mess my entire life and maybe now you understand why. I've been battling this shit since I was 12 on and off. And now it's Winning just when I find happiness. Please May I make these the best damn 2 months of her life without your interference?"

"You can. But you need to tell her tomorrow and you can't mark her until she knows"

"I will tell her tomorrow. I need to go I need to get something"

So that's what I did and now I'm standing outside a castle with my princess. I love her already, she's so stubborn and strong and very demanding but I adore that trait of hers. She wears it well.

I love how she twirls when she smokes

I love how she drinks straight from
The bottle even when she's at a ball

I love that she can't tolerate bullshit or small talk

I love how she is so loyal

I love her eyes

I love her face and body

I love that this is probably going to be the only time I ever see her wear a dress

I hate that I'll not have that opportunity again

I hate how one day I'm going to be the reason she hurts

I have it easy, I'm dying. But she has to watch it happen. She has to stand back and do nothing. She needs to take on an entire pack and become an alpha while she greaves for her mate. She needs to go through this life alone. All I can hope for is that she gets a second chance. That she meets her fated and they save her.

Bás book 6 of the blood moon sagaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora