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"She really is remarkable. I'll bring in the dresses and talk with the guards as you try them on"

He peeks me on the lips and gets up and walks out. I can't help the grin that's plastered all over my face.

"You look happy fayfay"

"I am gran. Even the flashbacks are beginning to dwindle. I've never had happiness like this before. Plus im very cool now"

I pull up my hand and ignite it. Gran gasps but it's a good gasp.

"We'll look at you. I'm happy for you love."

I spent the morning finding the perfect dress. The one I loved shows a lot of my scars and it makes me a little uncomfortable.

"Sit down sweety"

I do what I'm told and she takes my hand.

"Now. If you met someone who had been through what you have been through would you tell them to cover their survivors marks?"

"No Of Course not"

I was offended that she would even ask.

"Well then believe your own words. Those marks may be there but they are there telling you that you survived and you're alive. Embrace them and own them. You have got to let those walls down and these people in. embrace those marks and be a pillar of strength for others who have been through the same. Your an amazing girl and how you survived is beyond me but you did and you should celebrate that"

I feel tears brimming at my eyes, she was right but it didn't mean it was any less scary.

Make this our first step. One thing at a time and I'm with you every step of the way

You're right. Thank you.

I smile at Nan and nod. Looks like I found my dress.

"You're right. I'll wear the dress"

She takes my face in her hands and kisses my cheek.

"Good. Now you just wait there I have the perfect addition for this"

She disappears into her bedroom and I get changed back into my clothes and wrap the dress back up and then I return to the lounge to wait for her. She returned with a small box and smiled at me.

"Close your eyes"

She wore a wicked grin on her face. I close my eyes and I heard rustling then I felt her place something on my head.

"Open, and go see, this has been in our family for over 100 years. Now it's yours and it will be past on to your own child"

I ran my fingers across my head where she had placed the head piece then I excitedly jumped up to look at myself in the mirror and I gasped. On my head was a gold hair crown that came down over my forehead. to the side small emerald flowers and leaves made a beautiful intricate design matching the colour of my eyes perfectly. I gasped

"Oh Nan, it's perfect. Thank you so much"

I pulled her into a hug, she hugged me back

"Just like you. I'm so happy for your dear. Now come I need to feed little thunder"

I chuckled and shake my head but smile. Arden comes in and helps me clear up the mess then we leave after showing Nan how much to feed thunder.

I spent the rest of the day preparing for the ceremony, I didn't want to go to a salon so I did my own nails. By the time arden had finished his paperwork we were both tired and decided we would watch a movie in bed after dinner.

Bás book 6 of the blood moon sagaWhere stories live. Discover now