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"So your mum doesn't know you smoke?"

"She knows I'm just not allowed to do it infront of her because she hates the smell"

"And you're afraid of her?"

"Don't say it like that wait until you watch her kill 100 men with her scream then you tell me if she's scary or not"

She chuckles and shakes her head.

"I grew up hearing bedtime stories about her and what she did and how the evil humans tried to rain hell on earth. My dad was there and he watched it from his building. He said her screams shattered every window in the apartment. He talked to some men after it happened and gushed about how nice they all were. It's kind of surreal to meet her. I just wish he could have"

"What happened?"

"They killed him the second time they came for me. I shot one of the 3 and he got pissed off and shot him in my arms"

She said low but shook herself

"Let's not talk about that"

I squeeze her hand then pull into the garage and hop out. I put my smoke out and open her door. She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I carry her inside

"You ready?"


She whispers back. We walk into the kitchen and I sit down. She turns on my knee and waves to the table where my brothers are.

"Everyone this is Fay, Fay this is Paul and Luke"

"Sorry for scaring you earlier I forgot you were in here"

"It's fine"

She replied to Paul, he smiled at her. I filled her coffee cup and she took a sip. Mum and dad came in from outside.

"Who smoked?"

"Me and Fay"

I said quietly

"She's human! She can't smoke, it could kill her. really Arden that is so irresponsible"

"Mum I'm not her keeper if she wants to smoke let her smoke and don't make her feel bad about it"

I replied in a warning tone. she huffed and sat down opposite us.

"Sorry but I just worry that's all"

Fay smiles at her

"Thank you for caring. But it's hard to stop plus it's all I could do to kill the time where I came from but maybe when my nerves settle a little I can stop"

Mum's face softens and she melts under fays tone. I smirk but say nothing as she fills her own cup

"You know what, you're right Fay I apologise. You just get comfortable here then you can think about quitting"

"So mum fays father was there the day you saved the world. She grew up with you as her nighttime story."

"Shut up really?"

Dad sits forward

"Yeah. He was in the second story apartment building, Your scream smashed his windows he loved all things supernatural. Even after I was rescued the first time he drilled into me that not all supernaturals were bad. Actually it was the last thing he said to me. Not to give up and get out that your not all bad"

She goes off in a daze as she talks and I see mum's chin quiver slightly. Evelyn brings plates of food down, lasagna and fries and it smells mouth watering. She digs in straight away and I smile watching her. Aspen comes in with a few bags and sets them on the table.

Bás book 6 of the blood moon sagaWhere stories live. Discover now