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I squeeze her hand and smile as the birthday boy walks in.

"Whhhhoooooop whoooop! Sit down so we can start the presents"

Fay shouts happily. He grins at her then fills his coffee cup and sits beside me. I'm about to tell him to move over when dad and mum sit beside him. I groan as the room fills up, annoyed that Arthur can't sit beside me. He walks in and his face falls and I give him an apologetic look but then he pulls on a cheeky grin and walks over to me and lifts me up and places me on his knee.

I freeze and so does everyone else at the table. Fay snorts and starts to giggle and I sigh giving her a look but I try to relax as he wraps his arms around me. I look up at him and he shrugs.

"Told you to keep me a seat"

I roll my eyes but smile, being so close to him feels nice. His beta walks in and when he sees us he trips up and splutters and coughs

"You-u your his mate?! Your mate punched you in the face and knocked you out"

He lets his head fall back and he laughs, Arthur rolls his eyes at him

"Oh get over it I deserved it."

"Yes you really did and I won't think twice about putting you in your place again and don't you forget it"

Fay, mum and dad snorts and Arthur smiles

"Told you I'm going to be as good as gold. Can't risk losing you"

He rests his head on my shoulder and I feel my face heat at the attention so I clear my throat

"Ok so who's going first? I'm going last so hurry up and get this started"

Fay hands Paul a box and an envelope. He opens the box first and grins. Inside is a silver Rolex. He pulls it out and looks it over

"It's engraved"

He turns it around and his entire face lights up!

"To the head of security on his 18th birthday"

"Seriously! Am I really?"

Arden winks at him

"Yep you start the day after tomorrow"

"Thank you I love it"

He pulls a sheet of paper from the envelope and snorts and laughs

"You bought me 2 tickets to space?"

Me and mum snort and laugh as the men look at Fay like she has 2 heads

"What you could sell it I'm sure someone wants to go to space or better yet give it to someone you don't like and hope the rocket gets lost in orbit"

The room erupts in giggles.

"Thank you sis I'll be sure to do that. You'll all figure out who I dislike the most when one of you is regifted with it"

I chuckle as everyone around us gifts Paul his presents then it came to me and I grinned handing him the box

"I made this just for you so you better look after it and if you break it I'll kill you it took me a year to finish it"

He frowns but takes the box and pulls off the bow as I stand up and pull Arthur with me. He takes my hand with a grin on his face.

"It's a key? You made me a key?"

"Seriously you can't be that thick brother get up and bring the key with you"

I roll my eyes as everyone follows us outside. When we get there Paul looks at me expectantly. I shake my head and point to the car and his jaw goes slack.

Bás book 6 of the blood moon sagaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя