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Neither do I but this is her father! We can not let her lose anyone else she has lost to much already

I'll keep her safe Arden. I would never put her in harm's way but if she has a chance to get him back we need to let her. You might be able to see into her mind a little at a time but I live in it. She can't lose him. Not after everything they have taken

But I don't want them to be free they deserve to never breath clean air again

I don't plan on letting them go free but they have no idea about her powers for all they know they only think she's a wolf not a banshee and hellhound too nobody knows that

She's right. We need proof first, then we can think about setting it up for our benefit. Get mum to start with visions and see if she can see anything

Fine ok. This better work

I cut the link and looked at her. I grab her shoulders and sit her down on a chair.

"I have a plan"

I say to her, her eyes snap to mine

"We go to the cellar and I stay in the bubble outside and you go in and talk to Donny and tell him you need proof that he's alive right now. If they send us proof that he's alive and unharmed then you will free him and swap them. But don't worry they won't get away with this. Also you need to keep your power's secret, if they ask you are a wolf and no more? We can use that to our advantage but first step proof. If we have proof he's still alive then I promise I will go to the ends of this earth and beyond with you to save him I promise"

Her eyes softened and she even smiled a little but then tears started to fall. I opened my arms and she climbed into them and rested her head on my shoulder in a ball.

"I'm scared. What if I'm not strong enough to face him. What if I mess it up?"

She quietly sobs into my shirt. I hold her tight

"You are my warrior queen and you are the strongest woman I've ever met. In Fact You are stronger than anyone i've ever met. And if you stumble I will be there to catch you, if you cry I will be there to hold you and if they try to hurt you I will kill them all. I'll kill an army for you baby. I'll be right there in the background and I'll never leave your side"

"Ok. Ok. Let's do this. The faster we do it the faster we find out and the faster I get him back"

I lift her into my arms and I carry her outside and stick a smoke in her mouth and then i take one of my own. I lit them up and we walked to the cellar, aspen smoked beside us and we stopped a good bit away.

"I don't think we should tell a soul about this! Not yet. Yes mum and dad,gran and pops, maybe Megs and Brian but no one else, not until we have a plan."

She says to me I nod

"I agree, you need a cover for how she got past the guard though"

"Can I not say I'm Luna and I commanded him away?"

She pokes her head from my chest.

"You could but he probably knows you're not allowed down there without me."

"I could say that the guards a friend and agreed to step out while I stepped in?"

"Yes, say that. His name is Henry, tell him he is sometimes your personal guard so he's under your command and he won't tell the alpha on you, and act a little afraid of Arden. Give them a fake sense of your relationship."

She nods and I link the guard to step out and talk to us. He doesn't need to know. When he's out we tell him to guard the door and tell nobody that we were there. Myself and Aspen put up our bubble and we walk into the cellar. I wish it was an invisible bubble because Fay was shaking and it hurt not to hold her when she's this afraid.

Bás book 6 of the blood moon sagaWhere stories live. Discover now