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Ardens POV

Bàs will you stop pacing your driving me insane

Something is wrong you need to check the border

I growl in frustration but leave the packhouse and run towards the wolf hill. I pull off my clothes and call for aura my beta wolf to follow me. There was no point in worrying my men in case it was nothing, plus Aura was an amazing fighter and could easily take down some of my men in wolf form.

I stripped down and shifted, I let Bàs take the lead as I watched through his eyes. We ran through our territory and with the extension it took us almost 40 minutes to get to the other side of our territory.

Bàs started to slow and sniff the air. Blood. And lots of it. He followed the scent and came to a small clearing just inside our border. There was a trail of blood where someone, a human, had crawled from somewhere.

When I came upon the sight before me, my eyes started to water and the air was knocked from my lungs. Together me and Bàs whispered
'Mate' but it wasn't good. She looked like she was dying. Her clothes had been ripped from her body and she was bleeding down her legs where she was bare.

Bruises and cuts littered her body. Her eyes were swollen shut where she had been hit. A broken nose and her lips were split. I could smell someone on her and I growled when I realised it wasn't just one man, but many had their way with her. She obviously fought back but ultimately they must have won.

1 year earlier...

Fay's POV

I groaned, pulling myself from bed. I hated the morning shift but I had no choice, if I wanted to continue living in a house I needed the money to pay for it and dad's treatments.

I pull on my clothes and put my hair into a messy bun and head for the kitchen. We lived in a small one bed bungalow. My dad had the room and I slept on a pull out couch in the tv room. I smiled when I realised he was awake and my stomach rumbled when I smelled the bacon.

"Morning pumpkin, sit have breakfast with me"

I grinned and took a seat, he plated the food up and placed it in front of me, I drank some coffee and sighed in happiness.

"How was work?"

He asked before taking a bite of his sandwich. It was nice seeing him eat, for so long he has been so ill he couldn't, but he really did turn a corner when treatment ended. I just wish the payments ended when the treatment did.

"Good, quiet, tiring"

"You can't keep doing this love, home at 2am and back up at 6:30am for a shift at the cafe then straight back to the bar. Your running yourself into the ground"

I shrugged, he was right but that didn't matter. I had no other choice but to work hard, I was in over my head with his treatments plus living in general and paying the Mortgage as well as keeping food on the table. Life sucked but someone had to do it.

"It won't be forever dad, try not to worry and just get yourself better please"

He grinned at me and pulled a piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to me. I looked it over and I swear my heart stopped. Tears sprang from my eyes and ran down my cheek

"It worked?"

He grinned and nodded his head, he had unshed tears in his own eyes with a huge grin on his face

"It worked baby"

I jumped from my chair and pulled him into a crushing hug. All treatments that we had tried had failed miserably but then he was accepted into an experimental trial. I had to Mortgage the house and it still wasn't enough but I was able to make a payment plan for the rest. I had managed to save for a few months ahead of time incase of emergencies but I never stopped working. Always working and finally it paid off and he was cured.

Bás book 6 of the blood moon sagaWhere stories live. Discover now