"You have to get out of here," Sebastian tells me. As rebar, metal beams, and concrete crumbles all around us.

"You're coming with me, right?" I ask. Worry clouding my face.

"I can't," he shakes his head. "The moment I release this force field, the entire building is going to come down. That's why I need you to get out of here. The others will be waiting for you when you do. They'll find you."

"No," I refuse. Tears forming in my eyes. "I'm not leaving you."

"If you don't, you'll die. And all of this will be for nothing. You must. The lives of everyone you care about depend on it."

How crappy is this?

I must choose between the guy I've care for more than I care to admit, and the family I love more than anything in this world. But knowing Sebastian, he'd want me to choose the selfless road.

So, I do...

"I love you," I blurt out. Surprising myself.

"I know," he smiles wide. Stealing my heart away. "I love you too."

Closing the space between us, I bring my lips to his one last time. And electricity flows through me like a current the moment our lips touch. Firing at all cylinders and awakening parts of me I didn't lie dormant until now.

"You better come back to me, or I'll revive you just so I can kill you myself," I tell him.

Laughing, he nods and tells me, "I'll always come back to you. Now... go."

Taking a mental picture of him, I swallow hard, and tear myself away. Running towards the staircase. When I get to the fifth floor, I'm slowed down by other people who are rushing down the stairs to get out of the building. Some of them are so afraid they frantically start jumping to their deaths out of the windows.

I make it out to the street several minutes later and turned to look for Sebastian. Only, he hasn't come out yet. And I know it's because he's waiting for the last person to leave the building. He's sacrificing himself for all these people and he doesn't even know them.

The last person leaves the building and when they're a safe distance away, that's when the building caves in. It crumbles to the ground, taking my heart and my hope with it. Because when the dust settles, there's still no Sebastian.

Paralyzed by grief, I stand there glued to my spot. Waiting for him. But after five minutes, there's still no sign of him.

He's gone...

"No!" I shout. Running toward the building. Only someone grabs me by the waist and pulls me into an alley.

Wriggling free from their hold, I shove whoever it is against the wall. At the same time, I lose my footing, stumble backwards, and fall. Hitting my head on the ground.

Then I black out...

I don't know how long I've been out, but when I come to, I can feel someone dabbling a warm towel on my face.

It's a woman.

I can tell by how tender her touch is. Then I remember losing Sebastian and shoot straight up. Quickly wishing I didn't.

"Angelique?" The woman calls out to me.

Turning to face her I freeze. Unable to think, speak, or blink.

Am I hallucinating again?

Reaching out to touch her face, my heart skips a beat. Up until now, I thought maybe I was imagining her. But now I know she's real.

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