He's got me there...

"That's not the point."

'Then what is your point?" He and Sebastian both ask in unison. With the former amused and the latter totally in defense mode.

"My point is I can spend time with whomever I want, Sam." I tell him.

"Clearly," he scoffs. Shaking his head. "Including guys who are as unavailable to you as your memories."

My mouth falls open that he would say something so cruel. But this is Sam. And tantrums are his thing. Still, his little tantrums are starting to bother me. I get that he cares for me, but he's overstepped his boundaries with me on more than one occasion. Which... not cool.

I look over at Sebastian, who shrugs, then back at Samuel. And I'm ready to give him another piece of my mind when Crystal chimes in. Changing the subject.

"When do you turn seventeen, Angel?" She asks.

"February," I answer.

"You've put space between us, and yet you have no problem spending time with Sebastian," Samuel brings the conversation back to him. His accusatory tone igniting my anger.

"Perhaps the two of you should speak in private," Malachi suggests.

Samuel stands up and motions for me to follow him. And reluctantly, I rise from my seat to do just that. Following him to a corner of the kitchen away from eavesdroppers.

"Sam, this jealousy thing is out of control," I tell him.

"I'm not jealous. I just don't want to see you get your heart broken by him," Samuel points out. "You have no idea who he is or what he's capable of."

"I'm trying to get my memories back. Which means getting to know all of you. And while I'll admit it's a lot harder with him because he's always so... guarded. You and I both know why I have to do this and why I can't just... give up."

"And the flirting... the kissing... what is that? Research?"

"I don't know what that is," I sigh. "And I don't know why it happens. But whenever we get within a foot of each other, I don't know... there's this... magnetism between us. Pulling us together against our will."

The angry glint in Sam's eyes extinguishes. Followed by a look of understanding, and then horror.

"What? What is it?"

"Um... nothing," he swallows hard. Taking a step away from me.


But okay.

"You know something," I narrow my eyes at him. Closing the distance between us.

"Yes, I do. But it's nothing I can share with you. So don't ask." He extends his hand out to stop my approach. Bracing it against my shoulder. "I should've known things weren't as simple as they seemed with you. I've never had to try this hard to get a girl's attention. I just want you to know you've done some serious damage to my ego."

"What does that even mean? Are you saying there's a reason your charm, if you can even call it that, doesn't work on me?"

"Yes. I am."

Without explaining his reasoning further, he turns on his heel and heads back over to our table.

"Nice chat," I call after him sarcastically. "We should do this again sometime. Preferably, never."

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