locker rooms

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locker rooms are scary. And dysphoric. Honestly, I've just set out to avoid them altogether if I can. Here's some alternatives/tips for it. 

change in the bathroom instead.  Before gym class or whatever, just change in a bathroom stall instead. This has a con of not having a locker to put your clothes and shoes in, as well as having to carry around your gym clothes with you all day. But this way you're able to avoid the locker room completely. This is what I do and it works out pretty well, I just have to walk fast to make it on time. 

wear your gym clothes underneath your regular clothes. Then, you don't have to deal with undressing at all. (Or, just wear your gym clothes all day. They're usually gender-neutral, and for closeted folks who can't wear clothes that match how they want to present themselves, this could work for you as a gender-neutral option.)

towel - have a friend hold up a towel around you as you change. 

an alternative dressing room - This is what my school is doing, which I'm really happy about! Schools have two dressing rooms- as per usual. But you could try and talk to someone about turning a storage closet, usually, a sports storage closet because it would be closer to the gym, into a gender-neutral dressing room. I think it would be one person allowed in there only, but they could put like lockers or storage bins in there for people to keep their stuff. This issue could be brought up with a trusted teacher, counselor, administrative officer, or anyone who works at the school that's an ally and might be of help.

• just be fast. If there's no other option, and if you're not able to avoid the locker rooms, just try and do it as quickly as possible. (if that's something that you're comfortable with, but it could be seen as awkward and rushed to others.) Try to just look at the ground or the wall, anything. 

tips for nonbinary + trans folks <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora