LXI || Meant For...?

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‚I'm on my way to my Halmeoni and thought I could stop by shortly. You know.. checking if Jinnie really is back.' Then he grinned his signature grin. ‚As he is and I just did things I never thought I would, I think I'll get going again. I suddenly have this ache inside my chest after seeing you two again' The ache of not being able to tell them how much he actually loved them. ‚..but well... It's better than seeing Han cry all day. Jinnie.. you left me with one incredible, inhuman crying mess of a quokka, when you left back then..'

‚Let me guess this was still an understatement?'

‚Smart Quokka.. Alright..' He waved at us turning around. ‚See you guys.'

He was just at the top of the stairs when Hyunjin ran after him, pulling him into another hug. Minho looked very startled and stiff at first, but calmed quickly again. He enjoyed the feeling of arms that he thought would never reach out for him...

When they separated again they were quietly talking to each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying but a moment later Minho patted on the taller one's shoulder before really leaving this time.

‚What was that about?' I asked curiously as Hyunjin walked past me back into the warm apartment.

‚Nothing... just ... you know.. thanking him..'

‚For what?' I closed the door behind him taking his wrist to pull him close to me.

‚For taking care of you when I couldn't..'

‚What did he say...'

‚He said that's what friends are for and I didn't need to thank him for it..'

‚Sounds like Minho.. But what was this once about not being Hyunangel anymore?'

‚You mean that once when we misused the shower of my brother?' A smirk spread on his lips, his arms slinging around my waist. ‚You can't tell me that was angelic...'

‚You're always my angel..'

‚I'm not sure if I can take your cheesiness..'

I chuckled placing a quick kiss on his lips.

‚Talking about cheese. How about we visit Halmeoni ... She hasn't seen us for over three years..' I mumbled, fumbling with his hair, that had gotten even longer than how I remembered it. His bangs, that perfectly framed his face, were longer now, his initial wolfcut grown out.

‚You didn't ...?'

I looked down. ‚I couldn't... too many memories.. to high of a risk to break down crying at her table...'

‚Then let's go... she must worry to death ..' Hyunjin smiled warmly.. oh how I had missed his beautiful smile. It was so warm and gave me a feeling inside my stomach that was hard to describe. Well.. The typical way to describe it would be: He gives me the butterflies.. or.. his smile makes butterflies dance inside my stomach. Though this still wasn't quite describing it to the fullest, the feeling Hyunjin gave me each time I saw him, each time he smiled at me. Everything about it felt so perfect, as if it should've never been another way. As if he belongs to me, to my life, as if he was a part of me, that I couldn't live without. I'm sure, by now Minho can sing a song about how much I couldn't live without Hyunjin.. in his opinion I wasn't even human for a long time..

We both put on some clothes in which we could leave the house, after having spend three quarters of the day inside. As my apartment wasn't in any way close to Halmeoni's stall like our old apartment was, we had to get on the bus. The evening was quickly approaching so of course there were many people in the bus, so many that there was barely any seat left. I remember this scene from the many bus tours we both had been on from and to school back then. One thing didn't change.. neither then not now.

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