XXXII || Not the delivery...

563 41 8

‚We work in pairs today..' Some of the students excitedly turned, silently negotiating partner pairings.. ‚As I hate making things more complicated than they are I just simply pair you all up.'

He stared at the class book where all our names were listed. ‚Minsung and Minah.. Sangmin and Yoohan... Minhyun and Hyemi... Minho and Hyunjin...' I stopped listening... ‚Yujun and Heon Ni... ...' Oh great...Mr. Kim.. really... great work.. put the two persons together who can stand each other the least. I looked at Minho as he slowly made his way over to Hyunjin, sending him a daring glare, that if he upsets him again I'll get angry - like really angry. But up to that point I hadn't really noticed yet, who was actually the one upsetting him again.

I only noticed when suddenly a hand landed on mine and my eyes landed on the ones of a brightly smiling girl now sitting in front of me. Yuqi. I froze again for a second, before I tried to pull my hand away from hers, but she held onto it.

‚What a happy coincidence.' She said in a sing sang voice.

‚Yeah...' I gulped slightly. This promised to get a whole lot of awkward.

‚You know, Han-ah..' Her smile was still on, Mr. Kim meanwhile handing out the tasks to all the pairs. It's when I noticed that this pairing would stay for two weeks' worth of lessons... great. Mr. Kim really must hate me. How did I ever wrong him....

‚You haven't changed at all..' Oh I had changed.. and how I had changed. I'm dating a boy now.. I'm attracted to boys over girls.. Well.. I don't know.. maybe that had been part of me ever since, but now I was showing it openly, I accepted this side of me, all thanks to him.. But yeah I had changed quite a lot.. she'd be shocked..

Though mostly it seemed, that to her this new side of me, didn't seem to be as visible.

[Hyunjin's (aka 3rd Person) POV]

From his silent partner, whose eyes were glued to the piece of paper in front of him, Minho looked over to Han and that Yuqi girl. They seemed to have some kind of connection that was more than just being former classmates. And .. he was sure, Hyunjin had noticed that too. It was the first time that sitting with Minho at the same table was the thing that bothered him least...

‚I like your new hair colour by the way.. it suits you.. you look really handsome' He tried to get out a single reaction from Hyunjin. ‚Ey.. Hyunjin...I just gave you a compliment.. I said you look handsome with black hair and I actually mean it.' Silence. ‚It gives you a mature but at the same time still slightly rebellious look, I like it..' Still nothing. He sighed looking over to Han again, who had also noticed Hyunjin's behaviour.. He nodded towards Hyunjin, his eyes asking something like: Is he alright?

Minho just shrugged.. then shook his head slightly. ‚Ignoring each and everyone.' He mouthed silently. Here he was, giving out compliments for once and the one being complimented didn't even listen..

Another nod from Han meaning: ‚Try again' It's almost scary how well they could wordlessly understand each other. Another nod from Han to underneath his table followed: ‚Make him look at me.'

Minho wiggled his eyebrows: ‚I try.. no promises though.' He propped up his hands at the side of his head making his index fingers look like two horns. ‚I'm the evil devil bunny after all..'

Han rolled his eyes. ‚Just try.. can't get any worse than this..'

From a different table Minhyun was watching them, not sure what they had just witnessed. Just Han and Minho talking in telepathy as it seemed.. Rolling their eyes, with just the slightest hint of amusement, they turned back to their task in front of them.

✓One Sided || Stray Kids Hyunsung (Hyunjin x Han)Where stories live. Discover now