XXXVI || Squirrels Bite » M?

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I sighed, my eyes trailing back to the curled up ball of fur, that wouldn't leave me alone with my boyfriend.

‚But really... I'm also cute..'

Hyunjin chuckled seeing my pout, it was the most healing sound for me. There was nothing better than hearing his laugh, when his eyes became crescent moons. He just looked so out of the world perfect in these moments, that I shortly wasn't sure if this was reality or just the best dream I've ever had.

‚But I have to admit.. you were a huge asshole for what you did to her..' Hyunjin mumbled, getting on a more serious note again.

‚I know..' My eyes darkened. ‚That's why I didn't want to tell you about her.. I didn't want you to know what type of person I had been then..'

‚That's not you anymore.'

‚It doesn't make it any better.'

‚I know, but I trust you.' Hyunjin said, placing a last kiss onto my lips, before his eyes fluttered shut and he drifted to sleep.

[next morning]

I sneaked out of the room, heading for the bathroom, while Hyunjin was still sleeping. The house had two bathrooms in total, one near the bedroom of Hyunsook and Aeyoung and one near Hyunjin's room. On my way I crossed paths with the evil fluff ball. Kkami looked at me, with a look, as if he was suspecting me again scheming plans how to take Hyunjin from him. I crouched down. It's not that Hyunjin belongs to him in any way..

‚He's mine got that?' I whisper-hissed on which he barked once then growled.

‚I'm not sharing ... you can forget that..' I shortly got up, but then crouched down another time, pointing at him. ‚And don't eat me..or I'll eat your owner, but not the way you think..' I mumbled finally getting into the bathroom. I placed the fresh clothes I had brought with me on a shelf next to the sink, then stripped and got into the shower. I closed my eyes just letting the water flow over my head down my body, feeling my limbs relaxing completely from the warmth of the water. For some minutes I stayed like this, not moving at all, not thinking about anything, until..

Two arms slung around my waist from behind. Startled I turned around abruptly.

‚Just me..' Hyunjin chuckled quietly, seeing my widened eyes. ‚Who did you think could it be other than me?' He stepped closer to me, the water hitting us both now.

‚I don't know... Minho's ghost..?' I mumbled, watching him.

Little by little his hair became wetter the closer he got to me, his hands gliding slowly over my chest. ‚I hate talking about him while.... but ... as you've mentioned him already... Minho said you liked the idea...' the taller one mumbled, stopping to come any closer, looking at me.

‚Since when do you believe anything Minho says...' I raised an eyebrow, trying to overplay what was going on inside of me, how my heart had begun to race by the sight in front of me. The light was softened through the milky glass panels of the shower stall, reflected by the individual droplets of water that ran over his pale, smooth skin.. his dark slender eyes trailing all over me, a droplet catching in his long lashes here and there, some running over the perfect curve that was his bottom lip. I knew this before, but this moment made me realise it even more. He was stunning. I could loose myself in looking at him to a point I would forget to breath. I did forget to breathe.. and I was sure that wasn't healthy.

‚I can get out again, if you don't like the idea...' He wanted to turn away again, but I pulled him back.

‚You are not going anywhere...' I shook my head slightly, to catch myself again '... be honest, you just want to see my new like them after all.'

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