X || Escape

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[Some time later]

I came home after school, my shoulders heavy from carrying my bag. Absentmindedly I took off my shoes and was about to go into my room, when I stumbled over something that usually wouldn't stand there. A pair of shoes that usually arrived after me.

My dad was home. My jaw tensed, as I stared at them and the wish to just turn around and leave again was growing inside of me, but I assumed he had already noticed me entering the house. I would get in more trouble if left than if I stayed now.

Unlucky enough I had to pass through the kitchen to get to my room, where he sat at the kitchen table, that was set for two people. I don't know what it was, but something about this set up gave me a bad feeling.

‚I waited for you with dinner.' 

Silently I placed down my bag, before I sat down at the table, putting my phone next to me. Every other son probably would have been overly happy and grateful, but the relationship of my dad and me wasn't that great.. it was anything but great. He was always at work, never at home, so there wasn't even a chance to work on our relationship. Evenings like these were rare cases and with my luck, there was always something going wrong on exactly these evenings. Sometimes I brought home bad grades or lost something or broke something or just said the wrong thing. I was already curious what it would be this time, almost waiting for it.

‚How's school lately?' My dad asked, scooping up some rice, his breath smelling awfully of alcohol.. not that I wasn't used to it by now. But like I said.. He had already started again. Checking for bad grades came first.. It was always the same.. like an unwritten script he was following.

‚Good..' I mumbled, stirring around in my soup.

‚Any news? Something special?' I had to give him that, he really tried hard to pretend that he was actually interested...Not. The tone of his voice told you everything.. he wasn't interested at all.. he just asked for the sake of asking something.. otherwise it would be death silent between us. Though.. I would take that over his questions any time.

‚Not at all..'

My dad sighed, as if the problem was me, that we weren't able to talk properly. He asked, I answered. More conversation wasn't gonna happen for us.

‚And outside school, got a girlfriend yet?' I tensed. Usually I didn't care about this question at all, but now it was different.. I kept my eyes glued to my bowl, trying to give nothing away.

‚Still no girlfriend.' I said.. it was my usual answer, but it sounded different today, forced. Though it wasn't a lie, Hyunjin isn't a girl at all.. and he's not asking for boyfriends, so there's no reason for him to know yet. I didn't want him to. I had a bad feeling about it. The rainbow wasn't exactly shining above his head.

‚So no girls interested in you?' Dad asked. ‚Your looks should be halfway decent after all..'

Should be? I would say that man could just look up at his son to verify.. Not that this person would rate the things he saw anything above decent. I wasn't anything but a failure to him.. and.. I reminded him of mum.

One of my hands dropped onto my thigh, clawing into it to keep myself calm. I told myself that this was nothing I wasn't already used to.

‚I never said that.. I'm just not interested in them...' I responded to him trying to sound unaffected.

‚Maybe you should lower your standards then, the perfect girlfriends from your TV shows don't walk around outside...' I've found Hyunjin walking around outside.. he's walking K-Drama material...

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