LIV || What's Left...

458 23 253

‚You're crying. What's wrong?' Just what was going on. ‚Hyunjin.. please talk to me..' Just say something, anything... just hearing you cry is breaking my heart.

‚I'm sorry, Jisung-ah.' His voice cracked, sounding as if he was holding back his sobs, holding it all in. ‚I love you.. but don't wait for me..' He hung up before everything he had forced back could break out of him. His last words left me staring at the display, taken aback and most of all confused. Until something clicked in my head.


I ran as fast as I could outside of Minho's apartment to Hyunjin's, Minho following close behind me. 

As quickly as I could I entered the code, storming inside, just to be met with a dark empty room, only the bare furniture was left. And ... in the middle of it stood three boxes... my boxes.

I slowly stumbled over to the wall, sliding down against it, pulling my knees up to my chin. My eyes had been dry before, because I still hadn't understood what happened.. what would happen. Now that I did, now that I was presented with reality right in front of my eyes, I broke. My body started shivering, tears streaming down my cheeks. Hyunjin was gone.. probably even out of the country.. his parents had taken him with them, as far away from me as possible. He was gone. And I was still here.

‚You said you wouldn't leave me behind..'

Minho walked over, kneeling down next to me before enclosing my shaking form in his arms. I clawed onto his arm, as if someone had pulled away the ground from underneath me, leaving me falling down into a great darkness. If you take someone's world, what was left of them? What was left of me, when he wasn't by my side... when he was gone..

The brunette pulled Han closer, patting on his back and stroking over his head in a calming way, whispering sweet nothings... but it didn't seemed to work. Han's tears kept falling, his body didn't stop shaking... he couldn't even breath properly because he was crying so much.

‚Breath in.. one .. Two.. three.. breath out.. one .. two.. three..' He repeated over and over, until I actually heard him, trying to follow what he said.

I was a miserable, pathetic picture.. leaning crying against the wall where everything between Hyunjin and me had started and now had ended as abruptly as it had begun once.

My breathing had calmed again, after Minho had repeated the same words for minutes and minutes..over and over again.. but my tears didn't stop.

Suddenly my phone rang in my pocket. With unrealistic hopes that it would be Hyunjin again, I took it out, but handed it over to Minho, when the characters didn't say his name. I wasn't able to talk in any way, my lips were almost as if sewn together. So Minho should do with the ringing phone what he wanted, ignoring or answering it, it didn't matter to me.

‚Hello?' Minho had decided to answer it.

‚I'm Han's friend.'

‚No... well...' He looked at me. ‚No he's not. Not at all..'

‚No right... they have gathered all his stuff..'


‚Can you send me the address? I'm taking him there.' He ended the call.

‚I'm not going anywhere.' I said in a hoarse barely working voice.

‚Staying here won't help you, Han, you-‚

‚I have to wait here, I-‚ His eyes looked at me intently, his hands on both of my shoulders. I tried to avoid his gaze, my vision still blurry from my tears.

✓One Sided || Stray Kids Hyunsung (Hyunjin x Han)Where stories live. Discover now