LIII || Surprise

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‚I just..' He was searching for words.. or better.. excuses. ‚I just have a lot on my mind lately..'

Before I could poke even further he continued. ‚ know.. I really have to go.. I ..I've left something in my locker.. see you in class' He pushed my hand off, that was holding him back, before he hurried away from me.

I really didn't know what was going on.. He says it's nothing, but who was he kidding. He basically ran away from me just now. He was acting very strange.. I had never seen him like this. Usually he was always so full of self confidence, throwing sassy comments around, not giving a shit about what others said about him.. That version of him that I just saw.. it .. looked in comparison to his usual self so vulnerable and unsettled. It made me worry what actually was going on. What could distress him like that..?

[Hyunjin's Birthday]

I had sneaked out very very early in the morning... the sun didn't even completely rise yet. Usually I wasn't even awake at this time but today I had to. I love living together with Hyunjin, it was the best thing that had ever happened to me... just not today.

I had thought for quite a long time how I could surprise Hyunjin on his birthday, without him noticing that I was planning something (He probably knows that something is up anyways...). I couldn't send him away as he would get suspicious then, I also couldn't send myself away.. same thing.. also.. we had that before..

So how was I supposed to do this... even something small would be enough. Something small, but ..well a surprise.

In the end I came up with the idea to go to the bakery, that opened earliest in our area, and order a cake for him. It wasn't much, but at least it was something, something he won't expect. Also if I was to bake a cake on my own, I would have to think of way how to replace the kitchen next...

The morning air was still cold so my hands almost froze into ice blocks, when I was carrying the fridge cold cake back to our apartment. Fortunately after the check up the cast was finally gone now and I could use my right arm again, or this would have become even more difficult than it already was. I had promised him, I would be healthy and all healed again on his birthday... my body didn't disappoint me. Sometimes my ribs still throbbed a little when I made too fast movements, but it was bearable. For him I could bare it.

With frozen fingers, balancing the cake on one hand, I entered the code to our apartment, then opened the door as quietly as possible. As far as I could judge from the silence in the room, Hyunjin seemed to still be asleep. At least I thought so, until when I peeked around the corner I could see him sitting on the bed, already bright awake.

‚Close your eyes!' I demanded, as he noticed me, hurrying to the kitchen, where I placed down the cake on the table. Quickly shaking off my jacket and shoes back at the entrance I checked if he peeked or not. For his sake it was good he didn't, he just silently smiled to himself, noticing that something was going on. He looked the absolute cutest like this.. Jisung, don't get distracted! First the cake then Hyunjin.

I took the cake out of its box, placing the candles on top and lighting them, before I went over to Hyunjin. Taking his hand in mine I pulled him along to stand in the middle of the room somewhere between bed area and kitchen area.

‚Don't look yet.' I mumbled positioning myself in front him, holding up the cake. It was a strawberry shortcake with a drawing of Kkami on the top, it turned out even cuter than I had thought when I ordered it. ‚Now look.'

✓One Sided || Stray Kids Hyunsung (Hyunjin x Han)Where stories live. Discover now