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✧• 14 •✧

It has already been a week since these people made me the Queen. All my intention was to kill Dorian for what he did to me and for what he might have done if I hadn't killed him.

But there was a rule in these place, where the person who kills the current king or a queen would take their position.

And that's what I am right now.

A queen.

My friend Shanaya and Sharuk are the ministers to be included in the senate. Every member from the community will be here on the behalf of their people. Shanaya takes care of everything- every problem that the people face on an everyday basis. Sharuk makes sure that these are solved when it comes to financial issues or the material ones.

I have never wanted to be a queen or to rule over these many people. But if I can make their life better, bring difference to it, then I'm down for it.

I didn't even realise travelling to the pastime would bring such a difference in my life and outlook on everything.

When I first came here, I never actually cared about these people. All I thought about was to go back to the reality, to be with my friends, family- to meet everyone .

But now I care for them-these people. They show me respect; they think whatever I do is right for them.

They are true to me and so I need to be a good leader and offer them a peaceful life under my rule.

But on the other hand, Shanaya and Sharuk have been wanting to get out from here, after the day of the fight.

I even asked them to find the way to get back to the real world-escape to reality. It's been more than a week since we're here and right now I'm almost accustomed to these people and their cultures.

The dress I wear as a queen is quite comfortable than the one I saw on the civilians. Honestly, I don't want to expose myself even though it's considered natural in here. Same goes with Shanaya and Sharuk. They opted for a different kind of dress when they joined the senate. I don't have a problem talking with the people because of the coin or the pendant that we have.

"The court is about to begin. Everyone Please take their seats."

One of the senate member, announced with a drumroll.

"Let's start with matters of importance. Sharuk, can you please read the problems that are considered to be most important for the day?"

"Yes, queen. So here's the list:

The problem of inheritance....."

And the day went by. It's almost time to close the court when I see someone enter the courtroom.

It's Anastasia.

I gave a warm smile when she bowed her head in a fancy manner. It feels weird when people actually bow to greet you instead of sticking out their hands.

But it also feels kind of great. I think the power is growing within me.

Is that bad ?

"Greetings, Queen."

"Hello dear. I haven't seen you in a while. How are you doing?"

"Never better, your highness."

"Is there any matter that you wanted to address?"

"Yes, in fact. I've come to talk about the Late Dorian and his way of rule."

"Sure, go ahead."

She looked around the room like a gazelle looking for its predators. I assumed she might not be comfortable sharing it with the audience watching her. So I asked her to come near me.

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