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"Ammu, come down, kanna. It's getting late already. We've gotta catch the plane on time."

"I'll be down in about 10 minutes, maa!" I shouted as I kept throwing random things in my bag that I thought might be useful.

My big brother snickered, knowing I wouldn't be able to make it in 10 minutes.

"What are you watching? Come help me pack, you idiot!"

"Why would I do that? Especially when I know you're gonna get terribly scolded for this."

That brat.

"Oh, come on, man. I swear I'll help you with the projects next time," I was trying my best to convince him.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Pakka." (Which means 'sure')

The deal was struck, and we got to work as I threw in everything I found fashionable from my closet into this stupid rugged old suitcase. It's just a 2-day trip to New Delhi, where I completed my postgraduate degree in Historic Archaeology.

I heard footsteps as someone climbed the stairs. Who walks like a giant panda? (P.S.: Pandas are cute)

"Are we done yet? Why does it take so long to—"

I turned around to see my mom, who stopped mid-sentence when she took in the scene. It was a complete mess. Clothes are strewn, artifacts that decorated the shelves were nowhere to be seen, my books were in a muddle, a DISASTER. I didn't even get to explain myself before she started lecturing me about my room, then my friends, later on my choice of career which ended with 'How I ruined my life.'

"Mom, stop. Please, it's just a room and I'll clean them when I'm back. Peace out bro."

"Don't you 'BRO' me Alia, just look at your room. I feel like I'm standing amidst a kuppathoti (Trash can)."

And that's when I knew she was mad at me. But it's not my fault- not entirely, at least. I'm not responsible for the mess that my stupid friends made yesterday when we had a party/sleepover (which my mom doesn't know yet, since she arrived from Singapore just this morning).

I made sure Sid doesn't open his stupid little mouth about the party by inviting his friends as well.

Master plan, Alia, great job.

"What the hell are you thinking about when I'm scolding you for your irresponsibility."

"Mom, calm down !! I'll be down in about few mins and will clean the room when I get back; for sure."

"Fine." She huffed.

My room turned dead-silent the moment she left and that's when my not-so-supportive-bro, Sid, started to laugh his guts out.

"Oh, shut up dude. I'm already a disappointment but think about how she gonna react if she knew her so-perfect-child had a party last night and also ended hooking up with his sister's friend."

His eyes got wide, and it seemed like he couldn't get the right words to explain about the hookup with my best friend. So, I saved him from the embarrassment.

"It's cool. Coz, At last my nerdy brother got laid and I don't have to be reminded about having a nerdy brother anymore. "

He had a blank expression on.

"What is it? Did u forget to use protection or...........?" I trailed off, giving him time to think.

"No, no- it's not that. The thing is, I don't remember which one of your friends' I slept with."

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