Chapter 11 - Chen Lin

Start from the beginning

It was just a moment, and then there was nothing there. Su Qing rubbed his neck, feeling around, and didn't find anything.

Chen Lin put the "pen" away in his pocket. "With this, even if you get lost, I'll still be able to find you."

Su Qing looked at him hatefully, thinking, So this dickwad put a leash on me, and it's a leash with GPS.

Chen Lin looked at him and laughed. He seemed to be in a good mood. Then he extended a hand and patted Su Qing's cheek. The other Blues Seals had gone far up ahead with their little greys. Jiang Lan turned back to look at them called, "Chen Lin, if you want to rut, you can wait until we get back tonight. Hurry up!" 

Chen Lin ignored her. He pulled Su Qing over and said almost inaudibly into his ear, "After we get back, if you haven't become like...them, you won't have to stay in the grey house anymore."

Su Qing frowned, not understanding what he meant. 

Five minutes later, they arrived in a wide open space. There were some helicopters grounded there. The little greys had their eyes blindfolded and their ears plugged and boarded the helicopters in ignorance.

Su Qing couldn't help starting to let his thoughts go astray. Like in murder mysteries, he silently counted, concentrating with all his might on feeling whether the helicopter was heading left or right, attempting to determine its route. But he couldn't keep it up for two minutes before he was so disoriented he didn't know which direction was which.

After flying for an unknown time, Su Qing was put down, and someone helped him into a car. This time, never mind counting, even Su Qing's basic sense of time was gone. All that remained in his head a line of lyrics going "so long, so long."

When his blindfold was removed, the other blue seals and grey seals had all been taken off somewhere, and only Chen Lin was left in front of him, as well as the rock-steady back of the head of a blue-uniformed driver.

Chen Lin looked at him, opened the car door, and got out. He looked back and saw Su Qing still curled up motionless in the car, then went to the other side of the car like a flash of lightning, opened that door, and lifted Su Qing from inside.

Chen Lin put on sunglasses and laughed coldly. "What, last time I saw you, weren't you heroically trying to stab me with a fruit knife? Why so cowardly now?"

Su Qing avoided his eyes, lowered his head, and didn't speak. His heart beat faster and faster—this was outside, he told himself. There were people, there were police. He could call for help. He could run. There would be no better chance than this...

As he thought this, all of a sudden, his neck hurt. Su Qing's scalp bristled. Immediately after, he felt the "collar" seem to sink into his neck, pass right through his skin to strike his nerves. Su Qing subconsciously grabbed at it, but apart from getting a faint static shock to his fingers, he didn't seize on anything substantial. His nails dug into his flesh, as if he wanted to strangle himself.

Chen Lin expressionlessly pulled Su Qing's hand away. "What are you hoping for? Su Qing, stop dreaming. From the moment you were confirmed as a Type 2 Auxiliary Type Blue Seal, the company put a magnetic neckband on you. Only I can control the switch."

Su Qing bent over. He abruptly found that he couldn't make a sound. He could only pluck Chen Lin's sleeve as if in entreaty.

Chen Lin sighed and lightly put a hand on his head. His fingertips passed downward through the soft ends of Su Qing's hair and fell on his earlobe with its black stud earring. He lifted his chin.

Su Qing's vision was blurred, tears pouring out nonstop from the stimulus. Chen Lin looked him over for a while, then turned off the magnetic neckband. Su Qing immediately felt the pressure on his neck vanish. He let out a long sigh of relief—while he opened his mouth, he found he still couldn't make a sound.

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