His face showed disgust, anger and hurt. He walked to us and put us behind him standing infront of Grace.

"What did you say" Grace asked in confusion.

"You will be going behind the bars mother" he spitted the word mother in disgust "What you have just said is recorded in this" he said taking out a recorder and played. We heard standing there.

He did it. Seb did it.

"What's all this Sebastian" Grace said glaring at him. Seb laughed looking at her.

"Acting mother. Acting. That one thing good I have learnt from you. All this while I was acting with you. When you came up to me that day and tried to manipulate me with your words. I was just silent to think what should I do next. I acted as a loyal child you wanted and got what I was waiting for"

"I tried to make you spill the truth that we didn't know. Then I knew I had to bring Emmett infront of you to spill it. And it happened today" he said waving the recorder. I smiled at him.

Grace laughed out loud making us look at her.

"You are a fool Sebastian. Everything still belongs to me. Now that I have money and power, this evidence will be destroyed in minutes" she said. This time Seb and I laughed at her. I couldn't hold back this time. Whenever she said everything belongs to her, I was controlling not to laugh.

Emmett gave me a confused look.

"Mother....mother" Seb said shaking his head still laughing "Everything still belongs to Emmett. The right owner of everything which he deserves" he said smirking at Grace. Grace smile fell.

"What are you saying" she asked.

"The documents you have are the fake ones. When you came to my apartment that day, you forgot to take them with you. And I took them and faked the documents also destroyed the original. So mother, now you have nothing, you own nothing from us" he said and pulled Emmett forward placing his arm around his shoulder.

"Everything is owned by Emmett. It's was never yours and never will be" he pulled away from Emmett and stood infront of her.

"I didn't think you would step this low to get what you want. When grandma said what you have been doing I didn't believe but if she hadn't told me the phone call plan I wouldn't have believed it. I intentionally said Emmett hated Aaliyah. Somewhere I thought you wouldn't marry Emmett whom he hated because he was like a son to you. But you broke my trust. Then I started searching for proof why you were doing this. When you came to me and said everything, I planned this"

"Right before we went to Emmett's office, the day before I said everything to Aaliyah and she helped me. She took Emmett away so I could make you tell the truth but you didn't, so I got the plan B and it worked. Now get ready to go for prison" Seb said looking at her with hatred.

Grace lifted her hand and slapped him. I gasped and went beside him.

"You ruined everything. This can't be happening" Grace said running her hands in her hair. Then she looked at us "I will get what I want. Not even my son can stop me" she said turning around leaving us. Emmett tried to run after her but Seb stopped him.

"There are cops outside, they will look after it" Seb said looking down. His face showed guilty and I know why. He is feeling bad that he had talked rudely to him in his office. Even though I don't what he said, I knew he had said something to hurt Emmett or else he wouldn't feel guilty. I rubbed his back.

Emmett looked at him.

"Seba..." Seb cut him off.

"I am so sorry Emmett. I never thought my mother would do something like this. Not even in my dreams I thought she would kill your parents" Seb said as he cried. Emmett hugged him patting his back.

"It's not your fault Sebastian" Emmett said and pulled away from him "I really thought, you betrayed me" Emmett said smiling weakly at him trying not to breakdown. I hugged him tightly. His parents didn't deserve this.

"And you Mrs. Robinson" Emmett said poking my side making me giggle "You were in this and didn't tell me" he said pulling away from me. I smiled at him innocently.

"What I didn't tell you" I said. He shook his head and pulled both me and Sebastian into a hug.

"I am so lucky to have you guys in my life. I don't know what would have happened to me if you were not here. My parents....." he started crying. I cried with him hugging him tightly "My parents was killed Aaliyah. They were killed" he said. I tried to calm him down but he didn't.

Suddenly he pulled from us and walked towards the backyard. I was about to go after him when Seb stopped me.

"Let him be alone for a while" he said. I looked at Emmett till he was out of my sight. I looked back at Seb.

"He didn't deserve this Seb" I said. He hugged me letting me to cry on his shoulder.

"I know cupcake. I know" he said rubbing my back.

Suddenly his cellphone ran. He pulled away from me and received the call. He listened what they were saying and ended the call.

"I have to go now, they caught Grace. I have to submit the evidence I have" he said. I nod my head wiping my tears. He kissed my forehead and left.

My stomach grumbled in hunger. Specially for choclates and strawberries. I went to kitchen and looked for something to eat. I didn't find anything I was craving for. I closed the refrigerator and went towards backyard in search of Emmett.

I found him sitting in middle of the backyard looking lost. I went beside him and sat down. Immediately he laid down placing his head on my lap. I ran my fingers in his hair. He wasn't crying anymore. We sat there silently. After few minutes my stomach grumbled again making Emmett chuckle.

"How can I forgot to feed my pregnant wife" he said sitting up. I blushed looking down. He pulled me up along with him. We went to garage and took his car.

He took me to a good restaurant and had lunch. He also got me chocolate after that. Even though he was not in the state to talk after what he has learnt but he is doing this for me. I am so grateful to have him.

After lunch, he took me to hospital. We got a check up and learnt that I am eight weeks pregnant. Doctor prescribed some vitamins. Emmett looked so happy after seeing the ultrasound of our baby. His worry, sadness and hurt vanished seeing the ultrasound scan. He kissed my whole face in happiness.

As sun set down, we were on our way to home. As soon as he parked the car, I dashed out of the car in excitement to eat chocolates.

"Aaliyah be careful" Emmett said following behind me. I ran inside the house and tripped over my leg. Before I would fall, Emmett's arms wrapped around me. He pulled me to his chest. I felt my heart beating rapidly in horror. What would have to my baby if I was not being careful.

"Aaliyah, you should stopping running like that. What would have happened to you and baby if you would have fallen. I got scared for a seco......" Emmett scolding was cut off by three voices behind me.

"What the hell"

"Who's baby"

"You are pregnant"


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