When I get outside, I see Spidey guy, Pa, Stark, Clint, Vision, a cat guy, Rhodey and Nat all lined up.

I thought we were doing something else.

I walk up to Pa, only to see that Spidey guy has the shield. He waves at me, I do a two-finger salute. They start discussing plans and I stay to throw hands. After a bunch of bombs go off, I look over to see Wanda hugging Clint's leg on the tarmac as he holds his body over hers protectively. He's pretty much her adopted father so i'm not really surprised to see that they're sticking together.

A guy gets big and hands Pa the shield, then he runs to Natasha and flips her around. Spidey goes for Sam and James, everyone else here can hold their own. I run at the building and see him get lifted by Sam after grabbing James's arm.

Dah, I wish had Mjolnir right now.

"Sarah, back off." James tells me

"If I did that, I wouldn't be a true Rogers now would I?" I ask

"I thought your name was 'The Black Nightress'?" Spidey asks

"Yeah well, I bet your real name isn't Spider-Boy," I say throwing a car door at him

I see Wanda throwing cars at people, I would hate to be that insurance policy. She doesn't even realize that some people won't be able to afford another vehicle. She just throws the cars at Tony as if they're balls of paper.

Spidey kid talks too much, I throw him a car door, but he catches it and throws it down. Spidey tags Sam to the rail, James pushes the rail down and they go to the floor.

I see the shield coming through the window, he must know I need it. I put it to my arm and holds it in front of us, but Spidey webs me next to James and we fall together. The shield is stuck to me with his webs, Pa needs it back. Sam sends something at Spidey and he gets flung out of the window.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" James asks

"I hate you." Sam grumbles in reply

After a little while of being stuck to the floor, Sam gets up and I help James up with his left armc being that it's heavier than the other. I throw the shield back to Pa and soon, we start running towards the quinjet that's in a shed. Until Vision stops us, d*mn it, we all get into lines of each side.

"What do we do?" Sam asks

"We fight." Pa says with intent

We all start a jog, I take Spidey, this shouldn't be hard.

"So, you work out?" he asks curiously

"Do you?" I ask flipping him

He hangs me up, but I cut at it with my knife so that I can break it. Great, it won't move. After waiting a few minutes, it dissolves and I go over to help Clint tag team Nat. Wanda comes over and helps us then proceeds to run off.

"We don't need your help, Wanda," I say annoyed

"I don't care."

"You try and act so cute and innocent all of the time." I snarl

"What? And you do?"

"I can't forgive you for what you did." I say enraged

"They forced me to." she argues

"You volunteered to be there."

"What don't you understand? I became an orphan because of Tony, I was convinced you were as mad as I thought that he was." she argues as everyone around us begins to listen

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