Individual Challenge

Start from the beginning


Once she managed to get out, she shook her head and tensed her shoulders before releasing them, casually walking ahead. No, no, wrong choice of words, she strode her way around the maze. Almost as if she had owned the place. Her walk looked as if she was a runway model and the maze was simply her audience.

She got to the end and made it to another part of the farm house, she went inside to see loads of keys, she checked her watch to see that it had been 5 minutes. She glazed her hand past the keys, a smile tugged on the lips of her. She started to search every key as there was a box that had been lighted up, in the middle of the room. She grabbed most keys and tried to unlock it, yet since there were over 1,000 keys, she struggled. Once she managed to unlock one, she grinned but it quickly drained when another box had been shown with a key that was necessary. She had to restart. After she placed one in, she heard a small voice.

"Hello?" A voice called out, Y/n shot up and looked around, she grabbed her torch and looked around to see no one. "Is someone there?! I-I... hello?!" The voice called out once again,

"Who's there? Do you know where you are?" Y/n called out, looking around, hitting keys away as she started to panic.

"I-I need help!" The voice cried out and that made Y/n instantly realise who was there. Her girlfriend, Heather. 

"HEATHER?!" She screamed out, she looked around and heard that the voice was distant but from underneath. She started to tap on the floorboards to see that it easily broke, she started to kick the floorboards and once she looked underneath, she didn't see Heather. "Heather?! Where are you?!" She called out, she grabbed her torch to see that the box where she needed a key, was in a shape of where a person could be, she could hear banging on the box.

"P-Please... H-help! Help me, please!" Heather cried out, Y/n jumped down and started to kick the box open, once she got in, she didn't see Heather; she looked around to see nothing but a voice recorder attached to the top of the box with the key that she needed; she clenched her jaw and grabbed the key and climbed back to above the floorboards.

She shook her head and chucked the recorder at the wall. She stormed out and managed to make it back in time, her hand was excessively bleeding, needing attending too and when she came out, she saw Heather arriving on her bike. She quickly got off and quickly wrapped her arms around Y/n's neck. Y/n stood still and flipped the key which Summer caught. 

"9 minutes 23 seconds." She hummed out. Y/n stayed quiet, she didn't know what to say apart from why Heather agreed to do it. 'Was she a judge? '

"Are you okay? How's your hands?" Heather asked as she moved back from the hug and cupped her hands.    

"Are you a judge?" Y/n asked her, which made Heather go silent.

"No... I-I'm not. I got a note and a microphone, I had too—"

"Heather... don't lie to me—"

"I'm not lying—"

"Don't lie to me... don't." Y/n let out, her voice breaking as she shook her head.

"I'm not lying, Y/n, I swear—"

"Who asked you too do it—?"

"I-I don't know."

"Heather, tell me who asked you to fucking do it?"

"I don't know, I honestly have no idea! I'm sorry." Heather apologised as she immediately clung onto Y/n. She just stood there, holding onto Y/n tight as she cried into her chest. Y/n being 5'10 and Heather being 5'7. Y/n let out a small groan as she wrapped her arms around Heather's waist. "Let's go get your hand fixed, alright?" 

"S-Sure..." She mumbled. "if you get in the car, I'll do it." Y/n said as Heather moved away from the hug,

"What? No, I can do—"

"Please... just get in the car."                         

"You need to rest your hand—"

"It'll be fine, it's always fine. Doesn't even hurt—"

"Car." Heather demanded which Y/n sighed at, she got in the passenger's side of the car and Heather grabbed her bike and put it in the back, she then got in the driver's side and Y/n handed her the keys then cupped her hand.

Heather started to drive away and drive Y/n to the hospital, the two sat in silence. Mostly Heather trying to start conversation but Y/n being tired and shutting her eyes here and there.

"Are you—"

"I'm fine from the last time you asked, Heather." Y/n sighed out,

"I'm sorry." 

"I know you are, it's fine." 

They soon arrive at the hospital and the two go in.


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