Ariana began to stroke my cheek with her thumb gently as we just laid there in silence

"Are you and Kendall going to end up together?" She asked randomly

"No" I replied quickly. Maybe even a little too quickly

"Not pretty enough for you?" She asked

"It's not that. Her family is just too chaotic for me if I'm being honest. They intimidate me" I admitted

"That's not good. Then yea, she's not a good option for you" Ariana replied

I nodded

"You'll find someone" she added

"I'm in no rush. I have time to wait" I said as my eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips

"Good" she replied in a whisper as she also looked at my lips

I slowly began to feel her lean in which caused me to do the same. Our lips were inches apart, about to connect when her phone started ringing. We quickly jumped away from each other and she pulled it out of her pocket

"We should probably leave" she said showing me the time

"Dalton called you" I said pointing to the call she just missed

"Yea, but I'm in no hurry to call him back" she replied

I nodded as I stood up from my official position and she did the same


"Ariana!" Courtney greeted the singer as we arrived at the restaurant

"Courtney" Ariana hugged her

"Y/n, it's always good to see you" Courtney said as she pulled away from Ariana and came to me

"You as well" I smiled

"My turn" Victoria said once Courtney and I finished with our hellos

"How are you?" I asked

"I'm good! How are you?" She asked

"I'm good" I replied with a smile

"We got your drinks for you. I hope that's okay" Courtney spoke up

"An iced lemon tea for Ariana and a Sprite with lemon on the side for y/n" Victoria said

I looked at them confused as to how they know that

"Ariana told us" Courtney caught on

I looked at Ariana with a smile and she smiled back as she placed her hand on my knee

"Thank you" I told them as I took a sip

"You're welcome" Victoria smiled at me

Courtney just nodded

"We should probably look at the menu" Ariana spoke up

I nodded as I picked mine up. Courtney and Victoria didn't which caused Ariana to give them a confused look

"We already know what we want" Courtney explained

Ariana nodded as she scanned through her menu and humming at the different things that sounded good

"What are you going to get?" She asked me

"Maybe just a chicken salad" I replied

She nodded as she flipped to the salad section

"Maybe I'll get the chefs" she said

"You should. I heard its pretty good" I told her

She looked up from her menu and smiled at me, causing Victoria and Courtney to share a look

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