I find myself getting jealous

Start from the beginning

"What?" She asked

"You're shirt" I replied

"Is it ugly?" She asked

"Not at all. Light pink is definitely your color" I said honestly

A blush began to form on her cheeks

"Thank you, Ariana" she smiled at me

"Aweee are you blushing?" I teased

"Maybe a little" she said holding my pointer finger to my thumb so there was only a little gap there

"How cuteee" I gushed

It wasn't long before she was ready and her doorbell sounded throughout the house

"I guess she's here" she spoke

A frown formed on mt face

"I'll call you when I come back and give you the run down okay?" She asked

"Okay, text me!" I said

"Of course" she smiled

With that, the call ended and I was left alone.

Instead of sitting around all day, I called Victoria and asked if she's free

"I was just about to call you and see if you want to come over" she picked up immediately

"I'll be right there" I smiled even though she couldn't see


"So what's been going on with you? I'm sure you're enjoying having Dalton back" Victoria spoke as she handed me a water bottle

"Yea it's nice to have him around, even though he's going to leave again here in a few days or something" I replied

"Already?" She asked

I nodded as I sipped the ice cold water

"I'm surprised you're not out with Y/n. I thought for sure you two would be checking out that new store they just opened in those outlets" she spoke

"She's with Kendall" I shrugged

"Jenner?" She asked

I nodded

"Holy shit" she said sounding shocked

"Are they like... a thing?" She asked me

My head snapped up from my lap

"Do they seem like a thing? Are there pictures?" I began to asked

Victoria waved her hands in a 'calm down' manner

"I was just asking. You've heard the rumors about Kendall. Who knows what she's doing" Victoria spoke

"I don't think they're a thing" I said

"If they are, I don't think it would work out" she added

"Why do you say that?" I asked

"She's just a little stuck up and Y/n isn't" she explained

That's what I'm saying

"Yea, it wouldn't make sense" I agreed

"But who are we to judge" Vic shrugged

"I hope they're not a thing" I said honestly before sipping my water

"And why is that?" Vic asked

I shrugged again

"Yes you do" she pushed

"Okay, what I say stays between us" I said

"Of course" she nodded

"When she goes out with other people that could potentially look like a date, I find myself getting jealous" I admitted

Vic smirked

"Don't give me that look" I said

"Well why do you get jealous?" she asked

"I couldn't tell you" I said

"Is it because maybe you like her?" Victoria suggested

"I honestly don't know" I said not even trying to deny the idea

"I mean you do spend a lot of time together and you two have kissed a handful of times. You can say it was a mistake all you want, but was it really?" She asked

"I don't know. It's just all so confusing" I said honestly

"Not to mention you're very territorial with her" Vic added

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You don't like people to spend too much time with her alone" she briefly explained

She's right

"And Dalton leaves again soon and you'll just go right back to her" She said

I nodded because she's right

"Have you told her that you get jealous?" She asked

"Absolutely not. I have no right to tell her who she can hang out with" I said

She nodded

"All I know is I get jealous when other people are too close to her" I openly admitted once more

"Do you think Dalton is the right fit for you? Be honest" she asked

"I can't be honest because I don't know. Dalton puts work before me where as Y/n puts me before... well anything. If I asked her to, she would leave work and come to me, not to mention she had the opportunity to leave for a business trip too, but she said she couldn't leave me or her family" I explained

Vic pursed her lips

"I wonder if she gets jealous too?' Vic began to question

I shrugged

"Maybe you should find out" I said

"Maybe I will" she agreed

I was now reflecting on my relationship with Dalton and comparing it to how y/n is with me. Dalton and I are really trying to work on things and I don't want to just throw it away so soon, but at same time... y/n

"Should I invite Court over and we can go out and do something?" Vic asked

"Ooo, yes!" I agreed


She's slowly starting to admit things... slowly, but surely

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