Chapter Thirty Five

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Aika stared out into a crowd of familiar faces. From what she could tell everyone from her UA class was there, all dressed in their hero costumes. She even caught glimpses of kids who were from class B. Togata and Hado were there. As well as Midnight, Mount Lady, Present Mic, and her old teacher Eraser head, who were all pro-heroes. All of the kids were waving to her and the four.. No five, All Might stood there as well.. Pro heroes stood in a circle, chatting. Aika turned to Endeavor.

"I think the fu-" But her explicit was cut off by a sticky substance going around her waist. Both her and Endeavor looked down at the piece of tape. But Aika didn't have time to question it before she felt herself being tugged away from the front of the room, flying over people's heads.

"Don't worry Endeavor sir, we got this." Hanta Sero said. He was able to expel and retract tape from his elbows, and he was the culprit of Aika's current journey.

"Hey gorgeous, how's it going?" Denki Kaminari said as he caught Aika in his arms.

"Y'know, not awesome." Aika answered as Kaminari helped her stand up.

"So I've heard." He answered, putting his hands on his hips. Everyone else from class A was gathering around her as well, all of them wanted to talk to her. They were all patting her head and smiling. Choruses of 'I missed you' rang in her ears.

"Hey hey hey." Came Mina Ashido's voice. Aika turned to look at her. "Why didn't you tell us your parents were, like, big bad villains!" She exclaimed. Aika felt shock pass through her body.

"Yeah, Fatgum and Endeavor told us everything so we'd know what we were dealing with. You so should've just told us!" Kaminari added on.

"That's enough." Came a serious voice. Everyone immediately quieted down and turned to look at Aizawa, hero name: Eraserhead. "She kept it a secret as a favor to the school. It wasn't her idea to lie to you all. We asked her to so we could keep something like that from getting to the press."

"So the school would look better?" Kyoka Jiro asked.

"Don't be so negative, yo." Came an excited voice. "It was also to protect her." Present Mic said.

"If the villain organization her parents started heard that a student at UA had villain parents killed at the same time their leaders died it sure would've gotten their attention." Midnight added on.

"The whole group might have attacked the school. It's safe to assume they've been looking for her for a while." Aizawa said.

"And as much as I hate to admit it, if it got out her parents were villains it would have hurt her chances at internships and work studies." All Might finally spoke up. "Some people don't realize children aren't their parents. Of course we wanted to protect the school, but we also wanted to protect the children inside. Even if it included a lie. All of the teachers knew the truth, that's what was important."

"I guess that makes sense." Ojiro said aloud.

"Aika!" Came another loud voice. Aika turned her head to see Tenya Iida just a little too close to her. "As your class representative at that time, I apologize that I didn't make you feel confident enough to confide in me." He bowed.

"Oh. That's fine." Aika said. "It's nothing to do with you, Tenya. Like they said, I was keeping it a secret as a favor to the school."

"I can't help but wish you would've told me, too." Midoriya stepped up next to her. "I understand why you didn't though."

"I'm sorry." Aika apologized. "I wasn't trying to hide anything, really."

"Aw, common class A. Leave her alone." Came another familiar voice. Togata pushed his way through the crowd and all of class A immediately backed up. A look of surprise passed Togata's face. "A-are they all scared of me?" He asked.

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