Chapter Twenty

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While they were staying at Togata's, Aika and Amajiki had to share the living room to sleep in. Togata felt terrible he didn't have a guest room, but of course Aika and Amajiki understood. The first night had been a little awkward, but after that they became far more comfortable. The worst part was fighting over who slept on the couch and who slept on the floor. They agreed on switching out every other night, for however long they were staying here.

Right now it was the middle of the night. Aika had the couch tonight. Amajiki would never admit it, but he didn't sleep very well on the floor. He was currently up, using the restroom. He stretched his back, reaching his hands over his head. He walked back out, dreading the thought of the hard floor.

He heard someone groaning. He turned to the couch. Even in the dark he could see Aika was restless on the couch. Her legs had kicked the blanket off of herself. Her face was contorted. A nightmare? He bent down over her.

"Hey. Wake up." Amajiki whispered, shaking her shoulder. "Aika, wake up. You're having a bad dream." He continued to shake her. "Common. Wake up- oof." He managed to keep his cry of pain quiet as Aika bolted upward, hitting her forehead off of his chin.

"Owwwww. Amajiki, what was that for?" Aika asked him, rubbing her forehead.

"I think you were having a bad dream. Weren't you?" He questioned, wondering if he woke her up for no reason.

"I.. maybe?" Aika questioned, trying to remember if she was having a bad dream. "Is your chin okay?"

"Yeah. It's fine." Amajiki answered. "I was more surprised than anything."

"Lucky you." She said. "My head is killing me."

"Heh. Sorry about that." Amajiki apologized. "I guess I shouldn't have gotten so close."

"It's fine." Aika answered. "Did I wake you?"

"Oh, no." Amajiki answered. "I was already awake."

"Oh? Why?" Aika questioned. "Trouble sleeping?"

"I guess." He admitted. Aika stood up, confusing Amajiki for a moment.

"Here. Sleep on the couch for the rest of the night." Aika offered.

"No. It's your turn for the couch." Amajiki said, waving his hands. "Really, I'll be fine."

"I sleep fine on the floor though." Aika responded to him. "It really makes no difference to me. So take the couch, really." She tried to convince him.

"But I don't believe you." Amajiki told him. "No one sleeps better on the floor."

"I didn't say better." Aika rolled her eyes. "But I sleep just as well." She sat on the floor, crossing her arms. "I guess if you don't take the couch, we'll just both be sleeping on the floor." She said defiantly.

"But that's a waste of a perfectly good couch!" Amajiki exclaimed, amused.

"Oh well." Aika shrugged, setting her pillow on the ground and laying down, yawning. "I'm going back to bed. Sleep where you want."

Amajiki smiled to himself. He crawled over to Aika and picked her up. Her eyes popped open as he threw her back up on the couch. "No no no no no." She cried, rolling off and back onto the floor.

"Ah- common." Amajiki laughed.

"Guess you better take the couch." Aika shrugged. "Cause I'm just going to keep falling to the floor."

Amajiki sat cross legged, staring at Aika trying to figure out how to win this battle. "How about we just watch some TV?" He suggested. He'd wait for her to fall asleep and then move her to the couch. Aika shrugged.

Then I'll Stay **Tamaki Amajiki**Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin